Friday, January 19, 2024

oral prep

When is IFR need?

  • Class A space
  • IMC conditions
  • Instrument Flight Plan
  • Special VFR Clearance /Instrument Equipt Aircraft

Last 6 Months 
6 instrument approaches, Tracking, Intercepting and Holding
Foggles to minimum or IMC
FAA INFO 15012

Stall Spin 
Unusual Altitude
Partal Panel 
Go no go decision 

3 Key Steps in Flying IFR 

1. Pitch and Power (check the Instrument you have what is needed)
verify you are getting the performance you want 

2. You need to be the CEO of the airplane
Move around 
Stay in Trim (flying hands off)

3. Think infront of the airplane
- Turn to course heading
- Time - Start your time 
- Twist - Tune Radios/Twist CDI
- Throttle - God Down or Slow Down (Fuel, power, Mixture)
- Talk  - Report to ATC


Weight and balance
off load some fuel, 
stability - forward CG  manuever impact - stall 
who you get on a spin 
shortness runway - clear obsticles
Graph - temp ref line down to weight ref line down to headwind /crosswind 
Pressure Altiude  
if pressure is 30.20 have the effect of lower the field elevation
Adverse condition: higher elevatoin - more weight, higher altitude, higher temperature,  Tail wind
hight elevation - lean mixture, 
65% power - what standard temp laps rate  
true airspeed - manufacture publish it
Airspeed - 

Fuel consumption 

Fuel reserve altinate 

Cross Country 
flight plan to destination
VFR checkpoints Pilotage  use Vor to cross reference 
checkpoints - visuable
which will not work at night .. river 
use VOR 

Lighting  L*  lighting
Altitude pic trip 
Decision on altitude for trip- cealing, AGL MSL 
lowest you can fly 1000' above grown  obsticle MSL  MSA minumum safe Altitude
Visubility - poor vilibility 

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