Sunday, January 7, 2024

Lesson Plan Samples


Lesson Plan Samples

1) Fundamentals of Instructing

  1. Human Behavior and Effective Communication
  2. The Learning Process
  3. The Teaching Process
  4. Assessment and Critique
  5. Instructor Responsibilities and Professionalism
  6. Techniques of Flight Instruction
  7. Planning Instructional Activity
  8. Risk Management
  9. Accident Case Studies

2) Technical Subject Areas

  1. Runway Incursion Avoidance
  2. Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidance
  3. Principles of Flight
  4. Weight and Balance
  5. Night Operations
  6. High Altitude Operations
  7. Cold Weather Operations
  8. High Density Altitude Operations
  9. Regulations and Publications
  10. National Airspace System
  11. Logbook Entries and Endorsements

3) Preflight Preparation

  1. Pilot Qualifications
  2. Weather Information
  3. Flight Controls and Operation of Systems
  4. Flight Instruments
  5. Performance and Limitations
  6. Airworthiness Requirements
  7. Human Factors

4) Preflight Procedures

  1. Preflight Inspection
  2. Flight Deck Management
  3. Engine Starting
  4. Taxiing
  5. Before-Takeoff Check
  6. Instrument Flight Deck Check – IFR

5) Airport Operations

  1. Communications and ATC Light Signals
  2. Traffic Patterns
  3. Airport Signs, Markings, and Lighting
  4. After Landing, Parking, and Securing

6) Takeoffs, Landings and Go-Arounds

  1. Normal and Crosswind Takeoff and Landing
  2. Short-Field Takeoff and Landing
  3. Soft-Field Takeoff and Landing
  4. Forward Slip to a Landing
  5. Go-Around/Rejected Landing
  6. Power-Off, 180-Degree Approach and Landing

7) Basic Flight Maneuvers

  1. Fundamentals of Flight
  2. Ground Reference Maneuvers
  3. Eights on Pylons

8) Performance Maneuvers

  1. Steep Turns
  2. Steep Spirals
  3. Chandelles
  4. Lazy Eights

9) Slow Flight, Stalls, and Spins

  1. Maneuvering During Slow Flight
  2. Proficiency Stalls
  3. Demonstration Stalls
  4. Spin Awareness

10) Flight by Reference to Instruments

  1. Basic Instrument Maneuvers
  2. Intercepting and Tracking Courses
  3. Nonprecision Instrument Approach
  4. Precision Instrument Approach
  5. Missed Approach
  6. Circling Approach
  7. Approach with Loss of Primary Flight Instrument Indicators
  8. Holding Procedures
  9. Recovery from Unusual Flight Attitudes

11) Emergency Operations

  1. Engine Failure After Liftoff – ASEL
  2. Emergency Approach and Landing
  3. Systems and Equipment Malfunctions
  4. Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear
  5. Emergency Descent
  6. Inadvertent VFR Flight Into IMC

12) Multi-Engine Operations

  1. Introduction to Multi-Engine Airplanes
  2. Vmc Demonstration
  3. Airspeed/Drag Demonstration
  4. Engine Failure During Takeoff Before Vmc
  5. Engine Failure After Liftoff
  6. Maneuvering with One Engine Inoperative
  7. Approach and Landing with an Inoperative Engine
  8. Instrument Approach and Landing with an Inoperative Engine

13) Training Flights

  1. Introductory Flight
  2. Local Area Familiarization
  3. Transition to Light-Sport Airplanes
  4. Transition to Experimental Airplanes
  5. Transition to High-Performance Airplanes
  6. Transition to Complex Airplanes
  7. Transition to Tailwheel Airplanes
  8. Transition to Pressurized Airplanes
  9. Upset Prevention and Recovery Training

14) Evaluation Flights

  1. Practical Test Preparation
  2. Flight Review
  3. Instrument Proficiency Check

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