Monday, January 8, 2024

Approaches - Precision and Non- Precision


Precision Approach Requirements

  • Precison Laterial Guidance (Localizer)
  • Precision Vertical Guidance (Glide Slope)
  • Precision transitional tools  (eg Lighting)

Note:  1st notch of flaps at the FAF Final Approach Fix, which is usually the Glide Slope intercept
Green Dimond - Represent the Glide Slope 
When on Center

Always get ahead of things and begin to foresee whats coming next
(ATC comms, frequency changes, timing of descents, etc..)

On the instrument approach, I've always remembered PHAC...

PHAC is also easy to remember for the approach. P-osition (N390DM, 2 miles north of the field) H-eading (Turn heading 320) A-ltitude (Maintain 2000 feet until established) C-learance (Cleared for the instrument approach)

For the final approach clearance, remember PTAC (Position, Turn, Altitude, Clearance).

PTAC (Position, Turn, Altitude, Clearance)
Position: 4 miles from FAF
Turn: Turn right heading 360
Altitude: Maintain 2000 until established
Clearance: Cleared ILS RWY 2

"4 miles from FAF, turn right heading 360, maintain 2000 until established, cleared ILS RWY 2."


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