Sunday, January 7, 2024

My CFI Book Samples


My CFI Book Samples

1) Fundamentals of Instructing

  1. Human Behavior
  2. The Learning Process
  3. Effective Communication
  4. The Teaching Process
  5. Assessment
  6. Planning Instructional Activity
  7. Instructor Responsibilities and Professionalism
  8. Techniques of Flight Instruction
  9. Teaching Risk Management

2) General Subjects

  1. Aeromedical Factors
  2. Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidance
  3. Principles of Flight
  4. Flight Controls
  5. Flight Instruments
  6. Powerplants and Propellers
  7. Airplane Systems
  8. Airport Signs, Markings, and Lighting
  9. Radio Communications and ATC Services
  10. Airspace and Weather Minimums
  11. Security Related Airspace
  12. Pilot Deviations and Runway Incursions
  13. Federal Aviation Regulations
  14. Investigative and Enforcement Procedures
  15. Transportation Security Administration

3) Advanced Subjects

  1. Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast
  2. Navigational Facilities and Instruments
  3. Area Navigation
  4. IFR Departure Procedures
  5. IFR En Route Procedures
  6. IFR Arrival and Approach Procedures
  7. Holding Procedures
  8. Multi-Engine Airplanes
  9. Tailwheel Airplanes

4) Preflight Preparation and Procedures

  1. Risk Management
  2. Flight Deck Management
  3. Airworthiness Requirements
  4. Instrument and Equipment Requirements
  5. Maintenance, Inspections, and Repairs
  6. Weight and Balance
  7. Aircraft Performance
  8. Inflight Emergencies
  9. Aviation Publications
  10. Navigation and Flight Planning
  11. Aviation Weather
  12. Aviation Weather Services

5) Airport and Ground Operations

  1. Preflight Inspection
  2. Engine Starting
  3. Taxiing
  4. Before-Takeoff Check
  5. Traffic Patterns
  6. Normal and Crosswind Takeoff and Climb
  7. Short-Field Takeoff and Maximum Performance Climb
  8. Soft-Field Takeoff and Climb
  9. Rejected Takeoff
  10. Engine Failure After Liftoff – ASEL
  11. Normal and Crosswind Approach and Landing
  12. Short-Field Approach and Landing
  13. Soft-Field Approach and Landing
  14. Power-Off 180-Degree Approach and Landing
  15. Emergency Approach and Landing
  16. Forward Slip to a Landing
  17. Go-Around/Rejected Landing
  18. After Landing, Parking, and Securing

6) Flight Operations

  1. Basic Flight Maneuvers
  2. Basic Instrument Maneuvers
  3. Steep Turns
  4. Steep Spirals
  5. Chandelles
  6. Lazy Eights
  7. Rectangular Course
  8. S-Turns
  9. Turns Around a Point
  10. Eights on Pylons
  11. Stall Awareness
  12. Spin Awareness
  13. Maneuvering During Slow Flight
  14. Power-Off Stalls
  15. Power-On Stalls
  16. Accelerated Maneuver Stalls
  17. Cross-Controlled Stalls
  18. Elevator Trim Stalls
  19. Secondary Stalls
  20. Recovery from Unusual Flight Attitudes
  21. Systems and Equipment Malfunctions
  22. Emergency Descent
  23. Airspeed/Drag Demonstration
  24. Vmc Demonstration

7) Instructor Resources

  1. IACRA Instructor’s Guide
  2. Pilot Training and Testing Standards
  3. Professional Aviation Organizations and Programs
  4. PIC Flight Time Scenarios
  5. Common Training Questions
  6. Remote Pilot Certificates
  7. Issuance of a Student Pilot Certificate
  8. Conduct of a Flight Review
  9. Conduct of an Instrument Proficiency Check
  10. Conduct of a Sport Pilot Proficiency Check
  11. Conduct of Aircraft Transition Training
  12. Conduct of Upset Prevention and Recovery Training
  13. Renewal of Instructor Certificates
  14. Pilot Certification Memory Aid
  15. Initial Pilot Certificate Comparison
  16. Instructor Endorsement Guide
  17. Sample Endorsements

8) Appendix

  1. FOI Quick Review
  2. Risk Management Quick Review
  3. Aeromedical Factors Quick Review
  4. IFR Quick Review
  5. V-Speed Quick Review
  6. FAR/AIM Quick Reference
  7. Aviation Mnemonics
  8. Aviation Rules of Thumb
  9. Phonetic Alphabet
  10. Duration of Medical Certificates
  11. Primary and Supporting Instruments
  12. Interception Procedures
  13. Stabilized Approach Criteria
  14. Energy Management Matrix
  15. Airspace Rules and Weather Minimums
  16. Stratification of the U.S. Airspace System
  17. Relationships of Decision-Making Models
  18. Crosswind and Headwind Component Chart
  19. Braking Action Codes and Definitions Matrix
  20. METAR and TAF Abbreviations
  21. Common NOTAM Contractions
  22. Common Aviation Units and Conversions
  23. Density Altitude Chart
  24. ICAO Standard Atmosphere


Practical Test Areas of Operation

  1. Sport Pilot Areas of Operation
  2. Private Pilot Areas of Operation
  3. Instrument Rating Areas of Operation
  4. Commercial Pilot Areas of Operation
  5. ATP Areas of Operation
  6. Sport Pilot Flight Instructor Areas of Operation
  7. Flight Instructor–ASEL Areas of Operation
  8. Flight Instructor–AMEL Areas of Operation
  9. Flight Instructor–Instrument Areas of Operation

Solo Checklists

  1. Presolo Checklist – ASEL
  2. Presolo Cross-Country Checklist – ASEL

Practical Test Checklists

  1. Practical Test Checklist
  2. Part 61: Additional Category or Class Rating
  3. Part 61: Sport Pilot Checklist
  4. Part 61: Recreational Pilot Checklist
  5. Part 61: ASEL Private Pilot Checklist
  6. Part 61: AMEL Private Pilot Checklist
  7. Part 61: Instrument Rating Checklist
  8. Part 61: ASEL Commercial Pilot Checklist
  9. Part 61: AMEL Commercial Pilot Checklist
  10. Part 61: AMEL ATP Checklist
  11. Part 61: Sport Pilot Flight Instructor Checklist
  12. Part 61: Flight Instructor Checklist
  13. Part 141: ASEL Private Pilot Checklist
  14. Part 141: ASEL Instrument Rating Checklist
  15. Part 141: ASEL Commercial Pilot Checklist
  16. Part 141: AMEL ATP Checklist

Briefing Aids

  1. Crew Briefings and Callouts
  2. Flight Lesson Briefing Guide
  3. Ground Training Rubric
  4. Flight Maneuver Rubric
  5. Approach and Landing Rubric
  6. Flight Scenario Rubric

Instructor Checklists

  1. Flight Review Checklist
  2. Instrument Proficiency Check Checklist
  3. Light-Sport Aircraft Transition Checklist
  4. Experimental Airplane Transition Checklist
  5. High-Performance Airplane Training Checklist
  6. Complex Airplane Training Checklist
  7. Tailwheel Airplane Training Checklist
  8. Pressurized Airplane Training Checklist
  9. Upset Prevention and Recovery Training Checklist

Flight Planning Forms

  1. Weather Briefing Record
  2. VFR Cross-Country Checklist
  3. IFR Cross-Country Checklist

Training Forms

  1. Endorsement Records
  2. Flight Risk Assessment Tool
  3. Hazardous Attitude Self-Assessment Test
  4. Personal Minimums Worksheet
  5. Personal Proficiency Plan Worksheet
  6. Case Study Worksheet
  7. Aircraft Performance Profiles
  8. Ramp Inspection Checklist
  9. Flight Computer Practice Problems
  10. Knowledge Test Deficiencies
  11. Presolo Written Exam

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