Saturday, January 6, 2024

IFR Flying

  • Weather brifing
  • NAV Log - Flight direction
  • Fuel Calculations 
  • Aircraft Performance/Weight and Balance
  • Flight Plan


IFR Clearance 
C - Clear to 
R - Route - AF, D, RV, RH
A  - Altitude   “2, 8, 10”   (Climb and maintain 2,000, expect 8,000 one zero minutes after departure)
F - Frequency
T - Transponder
As Filed = AF
Direct = D-> (can leave off the arrow to be faster)
Radar Vectors = RV
Runway Heading = RH
Altitudes (leave off the 000’s… so 6,000 would just be 6)
Climb and maintain 2,000, expect 8,000 one zero minutes after departure would just be “2, 8, 10” next to the “A” in “CRAFT”

Climb Checklist
Motor is not failing 
Alternator is still working
Magnetic Compass
Heading Indicator (set to Magnetic Compass)
Gauges (Pressure/Temperature/Vaccume/Ammeter)
Pitot Heat on (whenever fly IFR)
Climb/Power/Mixture/Instrument - Checklist Complete

Get Infront of the plane (what's next)

Level Off  (be confident the level off is complete)
Magnetic Compass
Heading Indicator (set to Magnetic Compass)
Engine looking good
Lights are good
Leaning the motor - Lean setting
Verify cruise power, mixture, instrument - Check list complete

Instrument Scanning
Turning (rolling into a turn or getting out of a turn) - Inverted V, Standard Rate

  • Upside Down V pattern - Attitude Indicator, Turn Coordinator (standard Rate), Attitude Indicator, Vertical Speed Indicator
  •  Then Back to a radial Scan - AI -> ASI -> Ai-TC-> AI ->HI etc

5 T's

  1. Turn - When you get to your fix, you turn to the desire heading
  2. Time - note the time
  3. Twist - Turn the OBS to where you want it
  4. Trottle - Show down or Go down (altitude Change or Speed Change)
  5. Talk - Communicate with ATC

Type of Holding: Direct/Parallel/TearDrop

5 A's  (to bring the whole picture together)
ATIS /asos
Altimeter on the ground where you fly the approach - until 
Approach brefing  (clear for RNAV 30 approach) --Data points - how low, how long, and which way?
Aveionics - Tune identify set 
Airplane (gumps checks)

  • To Minimums
  • Miss Approach 
best rate

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