Tuesday, January 16, 2024

CFI Endorsements for Pilot Candidate on Logbook entries


Logbook Entries Versus Endorsements

References: 14 CFR 61.5114 CFR 61.189AC 61-65

Logbook entries are made to serve as a record of training time and aeronautical experience. 14 CFR 61.189 requires flight instructors to sign the logbook (in a legible manner) of each person to whom flight or ground training is provided. 14 CFR 61.51 specifies what information must be entered when the training is logged. Flight instructors are not required to keep records of signed logbook entries.

Endorsements mark and formalize events such as obtaining solo operating privileges or taking a practical test. According to the Aviation Instructor’s Handbook, whether to endorse a pilot for these privileges is the flight instructor’s primary legal responsibility. 14 CFR 61.189 specifies the records that flight instructors must keep after giving an endorsement.

Example: After an unsuccessful flight review, the flight instructor must sign the logbook to show the ground and flight training provided; however, no endorsement (privilege) is given.

How to Properly Word an Endorsement

Reference: AC 61-65

Instructors may need to customize an endorsement due to an applicant’s particular circumstances or changes in regulatory requirements. All endorsements should be worded as closely as possible to the examples provided in AC 61-65.

Every training endorsement should cite an appropriate reference to 14 CFR Part 61. Careful attention should be placed on the regulations and paragraphs cited in the endorsement to reflect the type of training completed (e.g., ASEL or AMEL).

Instructors may place additional restrictions on an endorsement, such as:

  • An expiration date.
  • A minimum visibility requirement.
  • A maximum crosswind component.

Transportation Security Administration Endorsement

References: 49 CFR 1552.349 CFR 1552.25AC 61-65

Note: The TSA endorsement is located in the student pilot section of AC 61-65 but applies to any initial pilot certificate or additional rating.

To meet the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) record-keeping requirements, the flight training provider or flight instructor must do one of the following:

  • Keep a copy of the documents used to provide proof of citizenship for 5 years; or
  • Make an endorsement (#14 in AC 61-65) in both the learner’s logbook and instructor’s logbook or other record used to record endorsements.

Applicable Endorsement:

  • #14 – Endorsement of U.S. citizenship recommended by the TSA

Endorsements for Student Pilots

References: 14 CFR 61.8714 CFR 61.8914 CFR 61.9314 CFR 61.9414 CFR 61.9514 CFR 61.195AC 61-65

Student Pilot certificates are issued without category and class ratings. Operating privileges and limitations for solo flights are conveyed exclusively through endorsements.

Instructors commonly include weather limitations that are more restrictive than the requirements of 14 CFR Part 61 for student pilots.

Applicable Endorsement:

  • #3 through #14 – Student pilot and TSA endorsements

“Specific” Versus “Similar” Makes and Models

Student pilot endorsements are always made for a specific make (e.g., Cessna) and model (e.g., 172) of aircraft. These endorsements do not include the series variation (year model) of that make and model of aircraft.

Flight instructors may provide flight training to a student pilot in a similar make and model. For example, a student pilot who normally receives flight training and is endorsed for solo flight in a Cessna 150 can also train with his or her instructor in a Cessna 152 (a similar model). As long as the student pilot demonstrates proficiency and safety, the Cessna 152 can be used to complete the maneuvers and procedures required by 14 CFR 61.87.

Endorsements for Solo Cross-Country Flights

Student pilots are initially limited to a 25 NM radius after being endorsed for solo flight.

Any solo flight beyond 25 NM requires:

  • The completion of the training specified in 14 CFR 61.93 (Solo Cross-Country Flight Requirements).
  • A one-time endorsement (#9 in AC 61-65) stating that the cross-country training requirements have been met.
  • A preflight planning endorsement for the particular flight (exemptions are available for repeated flights to an airport within 50 NM).

Preflight Planning Endorsements

Each flight beyond the 25 NM radius requires an instructor to review the student pilot’s planning and preparation for the entire route of the flight and at the airport(s) of intended landing. The instructor must sign an endorsement (#10 in AC 61-65) attesting that the preparation is correct and that the student pilot is prepared to make the flight safely under the known conditions. The endorsement is valid only on the specified date.

The instructor who provides the preflight planning endorsement is not required to be the student pilot’s primary instructor. For example, a student pilot may encounter unforecast weather problems and need to stay overnight at another airport. In this case, the student will need another endorsement for the return cross-country flight. A local instructor may review the student pilot’s planning and provide an endorsement.

Note: An exemption is provided in 14 CFR 61.93 for repeated flights to another airport within 50 NM from the originating airport. The student pilot must have an endorsement authorizing the flights (#11 in AC 61-65).

Summary of Student Pilot Endorsements

#3 – Presolo aeronautical knowledge: 14 CFR 61.87(b)

  • The endorsement and knowledge test must be specific to the make and model of aircraft to be flown.
  • The instructor must:
    • Administer the test.
    • Review all incorrect answers with the student pilot after the test.
  • The test must address the student pilot’s knowledge of:
    • Applicable sections of 14 CFR Parts 61 and 91.
    • Airspace rules and procedures for the airport where the solo flight will be performed.
    • Flight characteristics and operational limitations for the make and model of aircraft to be flown.

#4 – Presolo flight training: 14 CFR 61.87(c)(1) and (2)

  • The endorsement must be specific to the make and model of aircraft to be flown.
  • The endorsement certifies that the required flight training was completed in the make and model or a similar make and model of aircraft.
  • The endorsement does not expire, but the student pilot must have a current solo flight endorsement.

#5 –Presolo flight training at night: 14 CFR 61.87(o)

  • The endorsement must be specific to the make and model of aircraft to be flown.
  • The endorsement is valid for 90 days.
  • The student pilot must receive:
    • Flight training at night that includes takeoffs, landings, and go-arounds at the airport where the solo flight will be conducted.
    • Navigation training at night in the vicinity of the airport where the solo flight will be conducted.

#6 – Solo flight (first 90-day period): 14 CFR 61.87(n)

  • The endorsement must be specific to the make and model of aircraft to be flown.
  • The endorsement is valid for 90 days.
  • The student pilot cannot land at another airport until an additional endorsement is obtained.

#7 – Solo flight (each additional 90-day period): 14 CFR 61.87(p)

  • The endorsement must be specific to the make and model of aircraft to be flown.
  • The endorsement is valid for 90 days.

#8 – Solo takeoffs and landings at another airport within 25 NM: 14 CFR 61.93(b)(1)

  • The endorsement is not limited to a make and model of aircraft (valid for all make and models the student pilot is authorized to solo).
  • The endorsement does not expire, but the student pilot must have a current solo flight endorsement.
  • The student pilot is not required to receive cross-country flight training or have a cross-country endorsement.
  • The endorsement must be specific to a single airport. Multiple endorsements can be made.
  • The purpose of the flight must be to practice takeoffs and landings at that other airport.
  • The student pilot must receive training that includes flights in both directions over the route, entering and exiting the traffic pattern, and takeoffs and landings at the other airport.

#9 – Solo cross-country flight: 14 CFR 61.93(c)(1) and (2)

  • The endorsement cites two regulations: one for the aircraft category and one for the make and model of aircraft to be flown. Previously, the category endorsement was placed on the back of a paper Student Pilot certificate, and each make and model endorsement was placed in the logbook.
  • The endorsement could be composed of one endorsement or multiple endorsements:
    • The instructor who provided the cross-country training must make an endorsement for the aircraft category to be flown.
    • An instructor (not necessarily the instructor that provided cross-country training) must make an endorsement specific to the make and model of aircraft to be flown.
  • The endorsement does not expire, but the student pilot must have a current solo flight endorsement.

#10 – Solo cross-country flight: 14 CFR 61.93(c)(3)

  • The endorsement is made by an instructor who reviews the cross-country planning (not necessarily the primary instructor).
  • The instructor is not certifying that the student pilot is proficient through this endorsement.
  • Each cross-country flight requires a new endorsement.
  • The endorsement must specify the route of flight and the airport(s) of intended landing.
  • The endorsement is valid only on the specified date.
  • The student pilot is not required to have received flight training at the destination airport(s).
  • The regulations do not specify a minimum or maximum flight distance.

#11 – Repeated solo cross-country flights not more than 50 NM from the point of departure: 14 CFR 61.93(b)(2)

  • The endorsement is not limited to a make and model of aircraft (it is valid for all make and models the student pilot is authorized to use for solo cross-country flights).
  • The endorsement does not expire, but the student pilot must have a current solo flight endorsement.
  • The student pilot must have cross-country flight training and the cross-county endorsement (#9 in AC 61-65).
  • A separate preflight planning endorsement (#10 in AC 61-65) is not required to be made for each flight.
  • The endorsement must specify a single route and a destination airport. Multiple endorsements can be made.
  • The student pilot must receive training that includes flight in both directions over the route, including entering and exiting the traffic patterns, takeoffs, and landings at the airports to be used.

#12 – Solo flight in Class B airspace: 14 CFR 61.95(a)

  • The endorsement does not apply to student pilots seeking a Sport or Recreational Pilot certificate (see #15 in AC 61-65).
  • The endorsement is not limited to a make and model of aircraft (valid for all make and models the student pilot is authorized to solo).
  • The endorsement is valid for 90 days.
  • The pilot must receive ground and flight training specific to the Class B airspace area for which the solo flight is authorized.

#13 – Solo flight to, from, or at an airport located in Class B airspace: 14 CFR 61.95(b) and 14 CFR 91.131(b)(1)

  • The endorsement does not apply to student pilots seeking a Sport or Recreational Pilot certificate (see #16 in AC 61-65).
  • The endorsement is not limited to a make and model of aircraft (valid for all make and models the student pilot is authorized to solo).
  • The endorsement is valid for 90 days.
  • The student pilot must receive ground and flight training at the specific airport for which the solo flight is authorized.
Solo Endorsements

Endorsements for All Practical Tests

Reference: 14 CFR 61.39

To be eligible for a practical test, an applicant must have an endorsement, if required, in his or her logbook or training record that has been signed by an authorized instructor who certifies that the applicant:

  • Has received and logged training time within 2 calendar months preceding the month of application in preparation for the practical test.
  • Is prepared for the required practical test.
  • Has demonstrated satisfactory knowledge of the subject areas in which the applicant was deficient on the knowledge test.

Applicable Endorsements:

  • #1 – Prerequisites for practical test
  • #2 – Review of deficiencies identified on airman knowledge test

Note: These endorsements are often combined, such as with the instrument practical test endorsement (#40 in AC 61-65).


The two endorsements are not required if the applicant:

  • Holds a foreign pilot license that authorizes at least the privileges of the pilot certificate sought;
  • Is only applying for a type rating; or
  • Is applying for an ATP certificate or an additional rating to an ATP certificate in an aircraft that does not require an aircraft type rating practical test.

The knowledge test endorsement (#2 in AC 61-65) is not required if:

  • A knowledge test is not required to conduct the practical test; or
  • No questions were missed on the knowledge test (scored 100%).

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