Saturday, March 20, 2021

Airspace & VFR Minimums

18,000 and below depicted on Sectional Chart.
Special Use Airspace - Prohibit, Restricted, Alert, Special Airport Traffic, ADIZ, Mode C, National Security, TRMS 

Class A   ALPHA   (Airline)
  • 18,000 - 60,000 MLS (Not depicted in Chart)
  • ATC clearance
  • IFR

Class B  BRAVO  (Busy)
  • Visibility 3 SM
  • Cloud Clearance Clear of Clouds
  • ATC clearance
  • Two way radio, Transponder with Altitude Reporting
  • Dimension - 10,000' to Ground (ceiling/Shelf)
  • Solid Blue -  Bos, NY, LAX, Miami, Dallas, Atlanta, Chicago
  • Speed Limit    

Class C CHARLIE  (Charter Jet)
  • Visibility: 3SM
  • Cloud Clearance:  500 feet below, 1,000 feet above, 2,000 feet horizontal.
  • Dimension: 4000'AGL x 5MN (MN800' longer than Statue Mile)
  • Solid Magenta - Manchester, 
  • ATC Permission  - Two-Way Radio Communications Prior to Entry
  • Two way radio, Transponder with Altitude Reporting

Class D  DELTA 
  • Visibility 3 Statue Mile
  • Cloud Clearance: 500 feet below, 1,000 feet above, 2,000 feet hori.
  • Dimension: Surface to 2,500' x 4.3NM
  • Two-Way Radio Communications Prior to Entry
  • Two-Way Radio

Class E   ECHO  (Everywhere Else)
Dash Magenta line - down to surface
Shaded Magenta - 700' to surface
Blue 1,200'

Visibility and Cloud Clearance
< 18,000 -10,000'   F-111   5SM   1,000' above cloud, 1,000 below Cloud, 1SM between 
  10,000 - 1,200'      F152    3SM   1,000' above Cloud, 500' below cloud, 2SM between
  Ground - 1,200'
  • < 10,000 ft MSL
  • 3 st mil
  • 500 feet below
    1,000 feet above
    2,000 feet hori.
  • None for VFR
  • No Specific Requirement

  • >= 10,000 ft MSL
  • 5 st mil
  • 1,000 feet below
    1,000 feet above
    1 statute mile hori.
  • None for VFR
  • No Specific Requirement

Class G  GULF  (Uncontrolled Airspace)
Ground -700' 
Day/ Night 
  • <= 1,200 ft AGL
1 statu mile, Clear
  • 3 st mil
  • 500 feet below
    1,000 feet above
    2,000 feet hori.
  • None
  • No Specific Requirement

  • > 1200 ft AGL, < 10,000 ft MSL
  • None
  • No Specific Requirement

  • Day
  • 1 st mil
  • 500 feet below
    1,000 feet above
    2,000 feet hori.
  • None
  • No Specific Requirement

  • Night
  • 3 st mil
  • 500 feet below
    1,000 feet above
    2,000 feet hori.
  • None
  • No Specific Requirement
  • > 1200 ft AGL, and >= 10,000 ft MSL
  • 5 st mil
  • 1000 feet below
    1000 feet above
    1000 feet hori.
  • None
  • No Specific Requirement

 VFR Minimums
  • TOMATO FLAMES (required VFR equipment list):Tachometer for each engine
  • Oil Temperature for each air-cooled engine
  • Magnetic Compass with Deviation Card
  • Airspeed Indicator
  • Temperature gauge
  • Oil Pressure gauge
  • Fuel gauge for each fuel tank
  • Landing gear position indicator
  • Altimeter
  • Manifold pressure gauge
  • ELT, if required
  • Safety belts
  • Airspace and Cloud Clearances
  • Airspace
  • Visibility
  • Cloud Clearance
  • Entry Reqs
  • Equipment

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