Biennial Flight Review
Pilots, don't forget to bring also your current Pilot Certificate, current Medical Certificate and logbook to the required 1 hour flight portion of the BFR. |
BFR WRITTEN TEST B - For IFR Pilots(Review and study of the FARs noted in parentheses right after the question number is encouraged. This is an open book test!)1. (91.3) Who is responsible for determining that the altimeter system and other required inspections have been completed and that they meet the FAR requirements for a particular flight?
2. Operator 3. Pilot in command 4. An FAA-certified mechanic 2. (91.7) If your aircraft develops a condition in flight which makes it unairworthy, you are required to ________________________________________ . 3. (91.17) You may not act as pilot in command or as a required pilot flight crewmember if your blood alcohol level, by weight, is __________% or more. 4. (91.17) Regulations also prohibit you from flying as a required crewmember within how many hours after you have consumed any alcoholic beverage?
2. 16 3. 24 4. 48 5. (91.103) Before beginning a VFR flight, you must become familiar with all available information concerning that flight. For an IFR flight, what additional items must you accomplish?
2. List an alternate airport and compute the takeoff and landing distances at your intended destination. 3. List an alternate airport on your flight plan and familiarize yourself with the instrument approaches to that airport. 4. Familiarize yourself with alternatives available if the planned flight cannot be completed. 6. (91.113) __________ (True, False) Upon entering VFR conditions while on an IFR flight plan, ATC still has sole responsibility for your separation from other air traffic. 7. (91.113) On an IFR flight plan, when are you required to see and avoid other aircraft? 8. (91.113) Which aircraft has the right-of-way over all other air traffic? 9. (91.121) When you are at or above FL180 in U.S. airspace, you are required to set your altimeter to __________ in Hg. 10. (91.121) If you are departing from an airport where you cannot obtain an altimeter setting, you should set your altimeter to 11. (91.123) While on an IFR flight, you have an emergency that causes you to deviate from an ATC clearance. According to regulations, what action must you take? 12. (91.129) If you have canceled your IFR flight plan 10 miles from your controlled airport destination, when are you required to establish communications with the control tower? 13. (91.130) You may not operate an aircraft within Class C airspace unless 14. (91.131) For IFR operations in class B airspace, what equipment is required in addition to a VOR receiver and two-way radio communications? 15. (91.131) __________ (True, False) In Class B airspace, a 4096-code transponder with automatic altitude reporting equipment is not required. 16. (91.135) Regulations require an instrument rating for flight in VFR weather conditions when you are flying 17. (91.135) VFR-on-top operations are prohibited in 18. (91.135) An IFR clearance is required during VFR weather conditions when you are 19. (91.155) What minimum flight visibility and distance from clouds are required during a VFR-on-top flight at 12,500 feet MSL (more than 1,200 feet AGL) in controlled airspace? 20. (91.155) What is the minimum flight visibility and distance from clouds required for you to operate under VFR in controlled airspace at less than 1,200 feet AGL? 21. (91.157) What is the minimum flight visibility and distance from clouds required for a special VFR clearance? 22. (91.159, 91.179) When you are flying with a VFR-on-top clearance, your cruising altitude is based on 23. (91.159, 91.179) Below 18,000 feet MSL, what cruising altitudes would be appropriate for a westbound VFR-on-top flight? 24. (91.167) An alternate airport is not required for an IFR flight if a ceiling of at least 2,000 feet and a visibility of three miles is forecast for the destination airport at your ____________________ plus or minus __________ hour(s). 25. (91.167) Assume you are on a flight in IFR conditions and the airport where you intend to land is forecast at your ETA to have a 1,500-foot ceiling and three miles visibility. The minimum fuel required in this situation is enough to fly to your destination and then fly Refer to the accompanying terminal area forecast for question 26.
27. (91.169) Assume an airport with a precision approach procedure has standard alternate minimums. To qualify as a alternate airport, the minimum forecast conditions at your ETA must be no lower than a ceiling of __________ feet and visibility _______________ miles. 28. (91.169) If an airport with a nonprecision approach has standard alternate minimums, the forecast conditions at your ETA must indicate a ceiling of at least __________ feet and visibility of _______________ miles. 29. (91.169) For an airport without approved instrument approach procedures to qualify as an alternate, the minimum ceiling and visibility forecast for your ETA must 30. (91.171) For use in IFR conditions, VOR equipment must be operationally checked every ___________________. 31. (91.171) What type of entry must be make in the aircraft logbook or other permanent record by a pilot who has make a VOR operational check? 32. (91.171) If you are making an airborne VOR operational check, what is the maximum allowable tolerance between the two indicators of a dual VOR system? 33. (91.171) If you are flying directly over an airborne VOR checkpoint, what is the maximum tolerance for the VOR indication when the CDI is centered? 34. (91.173) If you are departing an airport located outside of controlled airspace during IFR conditions, you must file an IFR flight plan and receive a clearance before entering ____________________ . 35. (91.173) Filing an IFR flight plan is required before you enter which types of airspace? 36. (91.175) If, during an ILS approach in IFR conditions, the approach lights are not visible upon your arrival at the DH, you are required to execute a missed approach unless you have at least __________ of the other required visual cues in sight. 37. (91.177) When no other minimum altitude is prescribed, the minimum IFR altitude over the highest obstacle in designated mountainous areas is __________ feet. 38. (91.183) The pilot in command of an aircraft on an IFR flight plan in controlled airspace is required to report 39. (91.185) Assume you enter a holding pattern at a fix that is an initial approach fix at your destination airport and you receive an EFC time of 1530. If you experience complete two-way communications failure at 1520, what procedure should you follow to execute the approach to a landing? 40. (91.185) What altitude and route should you use if you are flying in IFR weather conditions and have two-way radio communications failure? 41. (91.187) Assume your aircraft is equipped with two VOR receivers, the No. 1 receiver has VOR/LOC/GS capability, and the No. 2 has only VOR. What action, if any, should you take if your No. 1 VOR receiver malfunctions while you are operating in controlled airspace under IFR? 42. (91.203) Select the documents that are normally required to be in the airplane for flight. 43. (91.205) According to regulations, the three flight instruments required for any VFR or IFR flight are the __________, __________ indicator, and the _______________ indicator. 44. (91.205) What minimum navigation equipment is required for IFR flight? 45. (91.205) Approved DME is required within the 50 states and the District of Columbia for U.S.-registered civil aircraft operated at or above __________ feet MSL. 46. (91.205) What should you do if you are operating in an area requiring DME and your DME fails? 47. (91.205) What aircraft equipment is required for flight under IFR? For questions 48 through 51, match the required minimum equipment listed below with the specified flight operation. Each flight operation may have more than one answer. 48. (91.205) __________ VFR (night) 49. (91.205) __________ IFR (day) 50. (91.205) __________ IFR (night) 51. (91.205) __________ Class B airspace (day) 52. (91.207) ELT batteries must be replaced or recharged after one cumulative hour of use or 53. (91.209) Aircraft position lights must be illuminated from 54. (91.211) Supplemental oxygen must be available for each occupant of an aircraft above a cabin pressure altitude of __________ feet MSL. 55. (91.211) If you fly an unpressurized aircraft above 12,500 feet MSL, but not more than 14,000 feet MSL, for a period of 2 hours and 20 minutes, how long are you required to use supplemental oxygen during the flight? 56. (91.215) Excluding the airspace at and below 2,500 feet AGL, transponders with altitude encoding capability are required in controlled airspace above __________ feet __________ . 57. (91.215) If your aircraft is equipped with an operational transponder, regulations specifically require that it must be turned on while flying within __________ __________ . 58. (91.215) If you need to fly through Class B airspace, how far in advance must you contact the controlling ATC facility for permission to deviate from the transponder equipment requirement? 59. (91.403) The person who is primarily responsible for maintaining an aircraft in an airworthy condition is the __________ or __________ . 60. (91.411) IFR flight in controlled airspace is prohibited unless, within the previous 24 calendar months, the 61. (91.413) In order for a transponder to be used in controlled airspace, it must be inspected by a certificated repair station within the previous __________ __________ __________ . |
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