Thursday, March 18, 2021

Flight Maneuvering

Needle Ball and airspeed
Note the Rudder levels the wings of Turn Coordinator

Flaps - Develops Lift

Slow flight (clean without flaps/dirty with flaps)
Power off Stall
Power on Stall 
Steep Turn
S Turn
Turn about a point
Diversion/Loss Comm

Vmc minimum controllable airspeed
Va - Maneuver speed
Vfe - flaps extended
Vso - 
Vx - Best angle of Climb
Vy - Best Rate of Climb 
Vne - Never Exceed
Vno - normal operating 

Slow Flight  Vmc (minimum controllable airspeed)
Back side of the power curve, (area of reverse command) if you add more power, the aircraft will climb not go forward. In this configuration, 
Airspeed is control by the pitch
Power controls altitude 
Nose pitch up, you add power, you'll have to add right rudder because of P-Factor 

Preparing for Maneuver  CAS
Clearing Turns 90deg to Left 90deg to right (ask examiner to help see other traffic)
Altitude  (PTS no lower than 1,500 AGL)
Safe Area (landing)
Mixture Rich (cooling down engine)
Heading (reference position with respect to outside)

Heading Control
Altitude Control 
Airspeed Control 

Sluggish control 
Use Trim to relief control pressure 

Steep Turn

Preparing for Maneuver   CAS
Clearing Turns 90deg to Left 90deg to right (ask examiner to help see other traffic)
Altitude  (PTS no lower than 1,500 AGL)
Safe Area (landing)
Mixture Rich (cooling down engine)

Use Attitude Indicator to setup turn 
10, 20, 30 degrees, add some power 200 rpm and pull maintain altitude

Lift weight, centrifugal force, in 45 deg bank give you 1.4G
Overbanking tendencies 
Look outside where the horizon intersects the dashboard intersects and keep it there. 
make sure you are coordinated, maintain altitude, airspeed

Power Off Stall (Landing stall)


Preparing for Maneuver  CAS
Clearing Turns 90deg to Left 90deg to right (ask examiner to help see other traffic)
Altitude  (PTS no lower than 1,500 AGL)
Safe Area (landing)
Heading (reference position with respect to outside)

1. Reduce Power to 1500 RPM  (Maintain Heading & Altitude)
    Below 110Knots, Flaps 10  (use Trim to relief control pressure)
    Below 85Knots, Flaps 30
    Once Aircraft reach 75Knots, lower nose to establish 65 
    descend no lower than 200' of entry altitude
    reduce power to idle 
    Slightly pitch up to Vy pitch altitude 

   Aircraft speed gets into flap operating range White ARC)
2. Gradually pitching up to maintain airspeed
3  Full flaps in

Imminent stall 
Stall warning horn - 5 Knots before airplane stalls 
Buffett of airplane

1. Release back pressure for level pitch attitude (lower the nose, & level the wings)
2. Add full throttle with Right Rudder pressure
3. Slowly move nose up to Vy attitude,  Retract flaps to 20 degrees
4. At 60 Knots retract flaps to 10 degrees
5. At 65 Knots retract flaps to 0 degrees
you should return to the cruse flight, 

1. With the power at idle, Slip stream, P-factor, and Torque will not be of a factor
2. Must maintain wing level coordinated flight, when the airplane stalls, it will be straight ahead.
3. As you increase power, raise the nose, during recovery, the airplane will have a tendency to yaw to the left, use additional right rudder. 

Hold Heading & Airspeed
Flying a constant airspeed and turn
Climbing at 80 knots

Changing Airspeeds in Straight and Level Flight
From 80 knots to 70 knots
- ease power back
- pull back on yoke to maintain altitude
- add power at 70knots
- apply trim

From 70 knots to 100 knots
- Add power back
- Push forward on yoke to maintain altitude
- reduce power at 100knots
- apply trim

Constant speed decending
Constant speed climbing

Climbing  (pitch up lower speed, pitch down increase speed)
74knots  best rate of climb Vy gain altitude shortest time
62knots  best angle of climb Vx greatest altitude gain in shortest horizontal distance (to clear obstacles)

70-80knots Cruse Climb Speed  (allows to cool engine, see over nose of airplane)
push forward, trim for 80 knots
lower nose every 500' and look for traffic
Transition to straight and level flight  at altitude
If target altitude is 4,500' then use 10%  rule of VSI indicated climb eg
if vertical climb rate is 500'/min x.10 = 50' begin transition at 4,500'MSL-50 =4,450
if vertical climb rate is 700'/min x.10 = 70' begin transition at 4,500'MSL-70 =4,430
if vertical climb rate is 1000'/min x.10 = 100' begin transition at 4,500'MSL-100 =4,400
lower nose, gain cruse speed, 
adjust power between 2100 and 2700
adjust trim
lean mixture (red knob) at 3,000'
turn landing light off  

Increase Rate of descend
- Flaps
- Lowering power
- Forward slip  - uncoordinated flight (bank left, and use Right Rudder) or (bank right and use left rudder)

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