Sunday, March 21, 2021

G1000 Glass Cockpit Startup & Run

 Pre-Engine Start
1. Hobbs time - Record
2. Avionics and Electrics  - OFF
3. Controls - FREE & CORRECT
4. Trim - FREE & SET
5. Fuel Selector Valve - BOTH
6. Fuel Shut-off Valve - IN
7. STBY BATT  …. TEST 10S then ARM

Fuel Selector Valve - Both , Fuel Shutoff (Red Knob) In

8. Mixture - ICO
9. Throttle  - Advanced - 1 Inch
10. Brake - SET and HOLD
11. Master Switch - ON
12. Beacon - ON
13. If Prime Required:
    Fuel Pump  - ON
    Mixture - FULL RICH
    Fuel Flow - For 3 SECONDS
    Mixture - ICO
    Fuel Pump - OFF
14. Throttle - Retract to 1/4 Inch
15. Prop Area "CLEAR"
16. Engine - START
18. Throttle - 1000 RPM
19. Oil Pressure - CHECK

20. Breaks Set - 1000 RPM
21. Blast Area - CLEAR
22. Mixture - RICH
23. Throttle  - 1800 RPM
24. Breaks Holding - CONFIRMED
25. Oil Temp & Pressure - CHECK
26. Mags - CHECK
27. Alternator - CHARGING
28. Mixture /EGT - CHECK
29. Throttle - CHECK IDLE 
30. Throttle - 1000 RPM

Mag Test - M - Main Battery, S - Standby Battery
Showing 28.2 Volts on Main Battery and Standby Battery
Showing Charging +0.5volts on Main Battery and +0.2Volts on Standby Battery

If you turn on the lights and KILL the Alternator  (ALT)

If you kill the Alternator switch, 
The Main Battery  M Showing a Discharge  -11.5  and Standy By  Battery S showing + 0.1 volts 
The main battery is still providing a Charge, power is not coming from standby as yet that is why it still has the +0.1volts 

31. Throttle  - 1000 RPM
32. Engine Gauges  - GREEN
33. Mag - BOTH
34. Master Switch - ON
35. Circuit Breakers  - IN
36. Mixture - RICH
37. Flaps - AS REQUIRED
39. Fuel Selector - BOTH
40. Fuel Shut-Off Valve - IN
41. Doors & Windows - SECURE
42. Seat & Harnesses - SECURE
43. Controls - FREE
44. Pax Breafing  - COMPLETED
45. Take off Briefing - COMPLETED
46. H - Heading Bug - RUNWAY
47. l - Insttrument  - CHECK
48, L - Light - ON
49. T - Take off Time  - RECORD

50. Maximum Power 
51. Gauges - GREEN
52. Airspeed - ALIVE 

PreFlight Cessna 172SP

Pre-flights are all that stand between you and a crash due to an un-airworthy aircraft.  You want to go over the plane closely, intentionally trying to find a reason to ground it.    A few things to closely observe:

  1. Check the aileron hinges and control arms are actually connected!  Look underneath to check them.  There's a piano hinge in there with a thin metal rod through them.  The rod should be flush on one side, have a hook that is secured with a machine screw on the other side to prevent it from sliding out.  The control rods should be attached and have some slop in them.  If they're tight to where you can't rotate them a bit or extremely sloppy, no bueno. 
  2. Elevator hinges need to be check to ensure the nuts & bolts are firmly attached.  Same story for the trim tab and rudder. At the same time, you're not supposed to pull on the trim tab with your hands. 
  3. Check the tail rigging.  There are 4 cables back there, 2 for the elevator, 2 for the rudder.  You should be looking to see that they're reasonably tight (the rudder's are spring loaded and can be a little sloppy when fully deflected to one side).  You also want to make sure they're not frayed or rubbing and are securely connected.  
  4. Sump the fuel like your life depends upon it -- because it does.  Especially for an aircraft stored outside.  That GATS jar should be damn close to full after sumping all 5 fuel ports on a wing.  The GATS jar needs to be compared to something with a white background.   AVGAS is colored blue, so holding the jar up to the sky isn't going to show you contamination.  When you pour the fuel back into the tanks, it needs to be poured through the mesh side of the GATS jar lid.  The mesh filters dirt and moisture out.  You should also be checking the gas cap's vent and ring seal. Check the gascolator and other 2 fuel ports on the belly of the aircraft.
  5. Stall horn... check it
  6. Lights check?  Even if flying day VFR, you'll want strobes & beacon.  Landing/taxi lights are a good idea in the daytime for safety.
  7. The plane has 3 tires .  You also want to check all of them and even roll the aircraft a bit if you're renting.  You want to make sure there aren't any flat spots.  Depending on where you're renting, the last pilot to fly prior to tire damage getting reported gets the fine/damage fees. 
  8. Baggage door, static ports, missing bolts, empennage, alternator belt tension, etc.  Take another look at the POH. 
General condition ................... CHECK & CLEAR
Flap ….................................... CHECK
Aileron & Weights .................... CHECK
Wingtip ................................. CHECK
Tie down/chock ..................... REMOVE
Fuel tank sumps (5).DRAIN & NO DRIPS
Fuel tank ............................... CHECK
Fuel cap & Vent ...................... CHECK
Fresh air inlet ......................... CHECK
Main gear & Brake ................... CHECK
Tie down/chock ..................... REMOVE

When  the right Wing 
Check Flaps
Little bit of play 
No dents on leading or trailing edges of flaps

Aileron is goes UP, it decrease lift on the wing, cause a Right turn
Aileron is goes DOWN, it increase lift on the wing, causing a left turn  
Checking Access Panel and play 

4 bolts 4 screws, pin should be cotter pined. 
Push Rod Secure
Counter weight - Prevents Aerodynamic cluttering

Wing tip secure
Nav Lights Secure 
leading edge 
wing strut secure Ferring and tie down.

5 Drain sump - Check for water, sediments, debris  and 100LL AvGas Color Blue

Check Tire, air pressure, disk brakes, no hydraulic fluid leaks, unchuck it.

Nose Wheel - Shimmy damper is good
Move aircraft up and down 
3 fingers clearance on damper

Left Wing
Pitot Static Tube - Warm
Fuel Drain (for expansion)
Landing Lights
Wing Tips
Nav Lights

I want to to become a good, safe pilot.   These checklists were written in the blood of those who died in accidents.  I know they're a pain at times, but there's good reason behind them

Cockpit Safety Check
Magnetos ..................         OFF,KEY OUT
Mixture ............................. CUTOFF
Throttle ............................ CLOSED

Hobbs ................................. RECORD
Documents (AROW) and G-1000
reference guide…………….……ON-BOARD
Flight control lock .................. REMOVE
Parking brake ............... AS REQUIRED
Avionics 1 & 2 ............................ OFF
Electrical switches ....................... OFF
Beacon ....................................... ON
Master switches ........................... ON
Fuel gauges ........................... CHECK
Low fuel annunciators ............ ABSENT
Oil pressure annunciator .........SHOWN
Low vacuum annunciator .........SHOWN
Low volts annunciator .............SHOWN
Tach …………………………………………RECORD
Avionics 1 .......... ON, CHECK FAN, OFF
Avionics 2 .......... ON, CHECK FAN, OFF
Pitot heat.................. ON, CHECK, OFF
Exterior lights ............ ON, CHECK, OFF
Flaps ................................... EXTEND
Master switch (Alt & Bat) .............. OFF
Altimeter ................ FIELD ELEVATION
Magnetic compass ................... CHECK
Fuel selector ............................BOTH
Alternate static ........................... OFF
Fire extinguisher ..................... CHECK
Windows ................................ CHECK

General condition .................... CHECK
Baggage door ….…Unlocked & LATCHED
Autopilot static port ................. CHECK
Tie down ............................. REMOVE
Elevator.................... CHECK & CLEAR
Trim tab ................... CHECK & CLEAR
Rudder ..................... CHECK & CLEAR
Antennas ............................... CHECK

General condition ....... CHECK & CLEAR
Flap ...................................... CHECK
Aileron & Weights .................... CHECK
Wingtip ................................. CHECK
Tie down/chock ..................... REMOVE
Fuel tank sumps (5).DRAIN & NO DRIPS
Fuel tank ............................... CHECK
Fuel cap & Vent ...................... CHECK
Fresh air inlet ......................... CHECK
Main gear & Brake ................... CHECK
Tie down/chock ..................... REMOVE

General condition & leaks ......... CHECK
Fuel drains(3) ........ DRAIN & NO DRIPS
Oil (max 6, min 5.5) ................ CHECK
Propeller & spinner .................. CHECK
Alternator belt ........................ CHECK
Air inlets ................................ CHECK
Air filter ................................. CHECK
Nose gear .............................. CHECK
Chock ................................. REMOVE
Static port ............................. CHECK

General condition ....... CHECK & CLEAR
Fresh air inlet ......................... CHECK
Stall horn............................... CHECK
Pitot...................................... CHECK
Fuel tank vent ........................ CHECK
Fuel tank sumps(5) DRAIN & NO DRIPS
Fuel tank & Quantity ................ CHECK
Fuel cap & Vent ...................... CHECK
Wingtip ................................. CHECK
Aileron & Weights .................... CHECK
Flap ...................................... CHECK
Main gear & Brake ................... CHECK
Tie down/chock ..................... REMOVE


Tail Lock …………………………….IN COCKPIT
Passenger briefing .............. COMPLETE
Seats & seat belts ................. SECURE
Circuit breakers ...................... CHECK
Electrical switches ....................... OFF
Avionics 1 & 2 ............................ OFF
Fuel selector............................ BOTH
Fuel shutoff ................................. ON
Brakes .......................... SET & HOLD

Mixture................................ CUTOFF
Throttle .............................. ¼” OPEN
Standby batt ........ TEST 20 SECS, ARM
Engine indicators........... CHECK NO X’s
E BUS volts .......................... MIN 24v
M BUS volts ....................... MAX 1.5v
Batt S amps .................... DISCHARGE
Standby batt annunciator ....... SHOWN
Master switches ........................... ON
Propeller area ......................... CLEAR
Prime if COLD:
- Fuel pump ................................ ON
- Mixture ........ RICH 3-5 SECS,CUTOFF
- Fuel pump ............................... OFF
Propeller area ......................... CLEAR
Starter ................................ ENGAGE
Mixture .................................... RICH
Throttle..800 RPM (No Higher Than 1000)
Oil pressure............................ CHECK
M & S BATT ........................ POSITIVE
Low volts annunciator ............ ABSENT
Mixture .................................... LEAN

Flaps ..................................RETRACT
Avionics 1 & 2.............................. ON
Fuel quantity .............................. SET
Transponder (1200 VFR) .............. SET
Radios ....................................... SET
ATIS ..................................... CHECK
Flight instruments ....................... SET
Lights ......................AS APPROPRIATE
Navigation & Transponder ............. SET
Radio ................. CLNC,GROUND/CTAF

Parking Brake…………………………RELEASE
Brakes................................... CHECK
Flight instruments ................... CHECK

Brakes........................... SET & HOLD
Fuel selector ............................ BOTH
Mixture (below 3000’) ................ RICH
Oil Temp…………………………IN THE
GREEN Throttle .................. 1800 RPM
Mags (drop 150,diff 50) ............ CHECK
Vacuum (4.5-5.5”) .................. CHECK
Engine indicators ..................... CHECK
Ammeters & voltmeters ............ CHECK
Annunciators ........................ ABSENT
Throttle .................................... IDLE
Throttle ............................ 1000 RPM

Pitot heat ..................... AS REQUIRED
Flight instruments ................... CHECK
Electric trim ........................... CHECK
Flight controls ......................... CHECK
Autopilot .................................... OFF
Cabin power ............................... OFF
Trim................................... TAKEOFF
Flaps ..... Normal 0°-10°,Short/Soft 10°
Seats & seat belts ................. SECURE
Doors & windows .................. SECURE
Takeoff briefing ................. COMPLETE
Radio ........................... TOWER/CTAF
#2 Radio………………….. . MONITOR 121.5

Mixture (below 3000’) ................ RICH
Throttle .................................... FULL
Power (2300-2400 RPM=Static) . CHECK
Engine gauges ........................ CHECK
Airspeed ................................ CHECK
Rotate ................................. 55 KIAS
Short TO (10° flaps)……………….56 KIAS

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