Thursday, March 25, 2021

Emergency - Engine Fire & Emergency Descent


45degree bank

Engine Fire
1. Pull the fuel shutoff valve 
2. Mixture to Idle cutoff 
3. Turn OFF the Master Switch 
4. Leave Magnetos ON
5. Shut OFF Cabin Heat and Air Vents

Engine Out Emergency  (ABC)
1. Attitude - Correct Airspeed
2. Best Field 
3. Cockpit Checks

If Fire Does Not Go Out 
1. Establish aircraft in a dive at 100Knots - might blow out the fire, get us to the ground
2. Checklist
3.Force Landing Execute 

Emergency Descent Maneuver  (Good judgement, Decision Making)
Do not exceed Vne, Vfe or Vle
High Speed - Vne with Flaps & Gear up
Low Speed - at or below operating speed, Full Flaps and Gear Down 

Drop the nose, 45 degree bank, slip airplane High Rudder

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