Friday, March 19, 2021

PDF - Primary Flight Display


The G1000 attitude indicator is shown on the upper center of the PFD. The attitude indication data is provided by the Attitude and Heading  Reference System (AHRS). The G1000 attitude indicator provides a horizon line that is the full width of the GDU display.

The roll index scale is conventional with 10° graduations to 30° and then 15° graduations to 60° of roll. The roll pointer is slaved to the airplane symbol. The pitch index scale is graduated in 5° increments with every 10° of pitch labeled. If pitch limits are exceeded in either the nose-up or nose-down direction, red warning chevrons will appear on the indicator to point the way back to level flight. A small white trapezoid located below the roll pointer moves laterally left and right to provide the slip-skid information previously supplied by the skid  indicator ball. The trapezoid should be centered below the roll pointer for coordinated turns. The standby (vacuum) attitude indicator is found on the lower center instrument panel.


The G1000 vertical tape airspeed indicator is shown along the upper left side of the PFD. The airspeed indication data is provided by the air data computer unit. Colored bands are provided to indicate the maximum speed, high cruise speed caution range, normal operating range, full wing flap operating range and low airspeed awareness band.

Calculated true airspeed is displayed in a window at the bottom edge of the airspeed tape. The standby (pneumatic) airspeed indicator is found on the lower center instrument panel. Colored arcs are provided to indicate the maximum speed, high cruise speed caution range, normal operating range, full wing flap operating range and low airspeed awareness band.


The primary altitude indicator (altimeter) is found along the right side of  the attitude indicator on the PFD. The altitude indication data is provided by the air data computer unit. The local barometric pressure is set using the BARO knob on the GDU displays.

A cyan selectable altitude reference pointer, bug, is displayed on the altimeter tape and is set using the ALT SEL knob on the GDU displays. 

The altitude bug set-point is shown in a window at the top edge of the altimeter.  The standby (aneroid) sensitive altimeter is found on the lower center  instrument panel.


The Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) is found along the lower center area of the PFD. The heading indication data is provided by the AHRS and magnetometer units. The HSI combines a stabilized magnetic

direction indicator (compass card) with selectable navigation deviation indicators for GPS or VHF navigation. The HSI is conventional in appearance and operation.

Magnetic heading is shown numerically in a window centered above the heading index (lubber line) at the top of the HSI. Reference index marks are provided at 45° intervals around the compass card. A

circular segment scale below the heading window at the top of the HSI shows half and standard rates of turn based on the length of the magenta turn vector.

The cyan HSI heading reference pointer, bug, is set using the HDG knob on the GDU display. The selected heading is shown digitally in a window above the upper left 45° index mark. The selected heading will provide control input to the autopilot, if installed, when engaged in HDG mode.

The CDI navigation source shown on the HSI is set using the CDI softkey to select from GPS, NAV 1 or NAV 2 inputs. The course reference pointer is set using the CRS knob on the GDU display. The selected course is shown digitally in a window above the upper right  45° index mark. The selected navigation source will provide control input to the autopilot, if installed, when engaged in NAV, APR or BC mode and it is receiving a navigation signal from the selected GPS or VHF NAV radios.


The Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) tape is found on the right side of the  altimeter display along the upper right side of the PFD. The vertical speed pointer moves up and down the fixed VSI scale and shows the rate of climb or descent in digits inside the pointer. The VSI tape has a notch on the right edge at the 0 feet/min index for reference. Rate of descent is shown with a negative sign in front of the digits. Vertical speed must exceed 100 feet/min in climb or descent before digits will appear in the VSI pointer.



  1. MASTER Switch (ALT and BAT)
  2. STBY BATT Switch
  3. STBY BATT Test Annunciator
  4. AVIONICS Switch (BUS 1 and BUS 2)
  5. Primary Flight Display
  6. Standby Airspeed Indicator
  7. Audio Control Panel
  8. Standby Attitude Indicator
  9. Standby Altimeter
  10. Multifunction Display
  11. ELT Remote Switch/Annunciator
  12. Flight Hour Recorder
  13. Bendix/King KR87 Automatic Direction Finder (if installed)
  14. Microphone Button
  15. Glove Box
  16. Cabin Heat Control
  17. Cabin Air Control
  18. Wing Flap Control Lever And Position Indicator
  19. Mixture Control Knob
  20. Handheld Microphone
  21. Fuel Shutoff Valve
  22. Fuel Selector Valve
  23. 12V/10A Power Outlet
  24. Aux Audio Input Jack
  25. Elevator Trim Control Wheel And Position Indicator
  26. Throttle Control Knob (With Friction Lock)
  27. Go-Around Button
  28. ALT Static Air Valve Control
  29. Yoke Mounted Map Light
  30. Parking Brake Handle
  31. Circuit Breaker Panel
  32. Electrical Switch Panel
  34. DIMMING Panel

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