Thursday, March 25, 2021

Emergency - Engine Failure


Aviate then Navigate then Communicate

1. Pitch & Trim your airplane for your BEST Glide Speed 68knots max gross weight Flaps Retract
2. Chose a suitable Landing site (Speed & Direction of Wind)  Try to land into the wind
     Wind direction, smoke, lake flags, wind drift circles
3. Troubleshoot (flow  Fuel flow, fuel selector both, mixture rich, key restart, primer )
4. Help Emergency Squawk code 7700 or 121.5 call for help (mayday, mayday, mayday)
5. Secure Engine - Fuel Selector off, Mixture off, Key off, Master Switch Off (electric flaps first) before you turn the battery switch off, ajar the door.

The key position is the LEFT Base 

Know your glide ratio ( Cessna 172  is 1.5 : 1  -  you can glide 1.5 miles per 1,000 feet  on a calm day with no consideration for the wind) of your airplane and factor in the wind

Best Glide Speed =68 Knots

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