Saturday, March 27, 2021
MFD Multi Function Display - Engine
The airplane is powered by a direct drive, horizontally opposed, four cylinder, overhead valve, air cooled, fuel injected engine with a wet sump lubrication system. The engine is a Lycoming Model IO-360-L2A rated at 180 horsepower at 2700 RPM. Major accessories include a starter and belt driven alternator mounted on the front of the engine, dual magnetos, vacuum pump, engine driven fuel pump, and a full flow oil filter mounted on the rear of the engine accessory case.
Engine power is set using the throttle control. The throttle control is a smooth black knob located at the center of the instrument panel below the standby instruments. The throttle control is configured so that the throttle is open in the forward position and closed in the full aft position.
A friction lock, located at the base of the throttle, is operated by rotating the lock clockwise to increase friction or counterclockwise to decrease friction.
Engine fuel mixture is controlled by the mixture control. The mixture control is a red knob, with raised points around the circumference,
located immediately to the right of the throttle control and is equipped with a lock button in the end of the knob. The rich position is full forward, and full aft is the idle cutoff position. For small adjustments, the control may be moved forward by rotating the knob clockwise, and aft by rotating the knob counterclockwise. For rapid or large adjustments, the knob may be moved forward or aft by depressing the lock button in the end of the control, and then positioning the control as desired.
The G1000 Engine Indication System (EIS) provides graphical indicators and numeric values for engine, fuel, and electrical system parameters to the pilot. The EIS is shown in a vertical strip on the left side of the PFD during engine starts and on the MFD during normal operation. If either the MFD or PFD fails during flight, the EIS is shown on the remaining display.
The EIS consists of three pages that are selected using the ENGINE softkey. The ENGINE page provides indicators for Tachometer (RPM), Fuel Flow (FFLOW GPH), Oil Pressure (OIL PRES), Oil Temperature (OIL TEMP), Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT), Vacuum (VAC), Fuel Quantity (FUEL QTY GAL), Engine Hours (ENG HRS), Electrical Bus Voltages (VOLTS), and Battery Currents (AMPS). When the ENGINE softkey is pressed, the LEAN and SYSTEM softkeys appear adjacent to the ENGINE softkey. The LEAN page provides simultaneous indicators for Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT °F) and Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT °F) on all cylinders to be used for adjusting, or leaning, the fuel/air mixture along with a digital value for FFLOW GPH and a indicator for FUEL QTY GAL. The SYSTEM page provides numerical values for parameters on the ENGINE page that are shown as indicators only. The SYSTEM page also provides a digital value for Fuel Used (GAL USED) and Fuel Remaining (GAL REM).
The engine and airframe unit, located forward of the instrument panel, receives signals from the engine/system sensors for the parameters that are being monitored. The engine and airframe unit provides data to the EIS, which displays the data for the ENGINE page described on the following pages.
Engine speed (RPM) is shown by the tachometer indicator found on all EIS pages. The tachometer indicator uses a circular scale with moving pointer and a digital value. The pointer moves through a range from 0 to 3000 RPM. The numerical RPM value is displayed in increments of 10 RPM in white numerals below the pointer.
The normal engine speed operating limit (top of green arc) changes with altitude. For standard-day conditions, between sea level and 5000 feet, 2500 RPM is the upper limit of the normal operating range. From 5000 feet to 10,000 feet, 2600 RPM is the top of the normal range. And above 10,000 feet, 2700 RPM is the upper limit of the normal operating range. When engine speed is 2780 RPM or more, the pointer, digital value, and label (RPM) turn red to show engine speed is more than the limit.
The digital value and label (RPM) will flash. The engine speed (tachometer) is displayed in the same configuration and location on the LEAN and SYSTEM pages. If engine speed becomes 2780 RPM or more, while on the LEAN or SYSTEM page, the display will return to the ENGINE page.
A speed sensor, mounted on the engine tachometer drive accessory pad, provides a digital signal to the engine and airframe unit which processes and outputs the RPM data to the EIS. A red X through the RPM indicator shows the indicating system is inoperative.
Fuel flow is shown on the ENGINE page by the FFLOW GPH horizontal indicator. The indicator range is from 0 to 20 gallons per hour (GPH) with 2 GPH graduations, with a green band from 0 to 12 GPH. A white pointer shows the measured fuel flow.
A digital value for FFLOW GPH is included on both the EIS LEAN and SYSTEM pages. The fuel flow transducer is located in the engine fuel injection system between the fuel/air control unit (servo) and the fuel distribution manifold (flow divider). The transducer provides a signal to the engine display that is processed and shown as fuel flow (FFLOW) on the EIS pages. A red X through the indicator means the indicating system is inoperative.
Engine oil pressure is shown on the ENGINE page by the OIL PRES horizontal indicator. The indicator range is 0 to 120 PSI with a red band from 0 to 20 PSI, a green band from 50 to 90 PSI (normal operating range) and a red band from 115 to 120 PSI. A white pointer indicates actual oil pressure. Oil pressure is shown numerically on the SYSTEM page.
When oil pressure is 0 to 20 PSI or 115 to 120 PSI, the pointer, digital value, and label (OIL PRES) will change to red to show that oil pressure is outside normal limits. If oil pressure exceeds either the upper or lower limit while on the LEAN or SYSTEM page, the EIS will return to the ENGINE page.
When the engine speed (RPM) is in the green arc and the oil temperature is in the green band, the oil pressure should be in the green band. If oil pressure is below the green band or above the green band, adjust the engine speed to maintain adequate oil pressure. When engine speed is at idle or near idle, the oil pressure indication must be above the lower red band. With the engine at normal operating oil temperature, and engine speed at or close to idle, oil pressure below the green band, but above the lower red band, is acceptable.
In cold weather, the oil pressure will initially be high (close to the upper red band when the engine is started). As the engine and oil warm up, the oil pressure will come down into the green band range. The oil pressure transducer, connected to the engine forward oil pressure port, provides a signal to the engine display that is processed and shown as oil pressure. A separate low oil pressure switch causes an OIL PRESSURE annunciation on the PFD when oil pressure is 0 to 20 PSI. A red X through the oil pressure indicator means that the indicating system is inoperative.
Engine oil temperature is shown on the ENGINE page by the OIL TEMP horizontal indicator. The indicator range is from 75°F to 250°F with a green band (normal operating range) from 100°F to 245°F and a red band from 245°F to 250°F. A white pointer indicates actual oil temperature. Oil temperature is displayed numerically on the SYSTEM page.
When oil temperature is in the red band, 245°F to 250°F, the pointer and OIL TEMP turn red and flash to show oil temperature is higher than the limit. If oil temperature becomes hotter than 245°F while on the LEAN or SYSTEM page, the display will default to the ENGINE page.
The oil temperature sensor is installed in the engine oil filter adapter and provides a signal to the engine display that is processed and shown as oil temperature. A red X through the indicator shows that the indicating system is inoperative.
Cylinder head temperature (CHT) for all four cylinders are shown on the LEAN page. The cylinder with the hottest CHT is indicated by a cyan bar graph. The indicator range is from 100°F to 500°F with a normal operating range from 200°F to 500°F and a warning range (red line) at 500°F. When the CHT is 500°F or hotter, the bar segments, CHT label and °F digital value will change to red to show that the CHT is greater than the limit.
A thermocouple is installed in each cylinder head and provides a signal to the engine display that is processed and shown as CHT on the EIS LEAN page. The LEAN page will show a red X over any cylinder that has a probe or wiring failure.
Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) is shown on the ENGINE page by the EGT horizontal indicator. The indicator range is from 1250°F to 1650°F with graduations every 50°F. The white pointer indicates relative EGT with the number of the hottest cylinder displayed inside the pointer. If a cylinder EGT probe or wiring failure occurs for the hottest EGT, the next hottest EGT will be displayed.
The EGT for all four cylinders is shown on the LEAN page of the EIS. The hottest cylinder is indicated by the cyan bar graph. The EGT for a particular cylinder may be shown by using the CYL SLCT softkey to select the desired cylinder. Automatic indication of the hottest cylinder will resume a short time after the CYL SLCT is last selected. The LEAN page will show a red X over a cylinder that has a probe or wiring failure.
A thermocouple is installed in the exhaust pipe of each cylinder which measures EGT and provides a signal to the engine display that is processed and shown as EGT on the EIS LEAN page.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Emergency - Engine Fire & Emergency Descent
45degree bank
1. Pull the fuel shutoff valve
2. Mixture to Idle cutoff
3. Turn OFF the Master Switch
4. Leave Magnetos ON
5. Shut OFF Cabin Heat and Air Vents
Emergency - Engine Failure
Aviate then Navigate then Communicate
The key position is the LEFT Base
Know your glide ratio ( Cessna 172 is 1.5 : 1 - you can glide 1.5 miles per 1,000 feet on a calm day with no consideration for the wind) of your airplane and factor in the wind
Best Glide Speed =68 Knots
Low Altitude IFR Enroute Charts
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
VOR Approaches
- The approach light system, except that the pilot may not descend below 100 feet above the touchdown zone elevation using the approach lights as a reference unless the red terminating bars or the red side row bars are also distinctly visible and identifiable.
- The threshold.
- The threshold markings.
- The threshold lights.
- The runway end identifier lights.
- The visual glideslope indicator.
- The touchdown zone or touchdown zone markings.
- The touchdown zone lights.
- The runway or runway markings.
- The runway lights.
Monday, March 22, 2021
Flying Approach Chart - Metar
At first glance, approach plates like Louisville’s ILS Runway 35R are easily discernible to instrument pilots. But during a recurrent training session when an instructor or examiner begins digging into the specifics, sweaty palms can easily follow.
Here are a few penetrating questions to test your knowledge. For our quiz today, assume the DME-equipped aircraft is operating under Part 91 and the latest METAR at Louisville reads: "KSDF 110856Z 3519G27KT ½ SM F FEW 02 BKN 04 OVC 08 21/21 A2971."
1. If the glideslope fails before PARCL, what is the lowest mean sea level altitude to which you may descend?
a. The aircraft is not authorized to continue the approach if the glideslope fails
b. 820 feet
c. 200 feet
d. 340 feet
2. With the glideslope still inoperative, what is the lowest agl altitude to which you may descend to conduct a nighttime circle-to-land on Runway 11 at 100 knots?
a. 539 feet
b. 340 feet
c. Circle-to-land is not authorized
d. 879 feet
3. If you’re cleared for the ILS from south of BRBON, how do you establish yourself on the localizer?
a. Fly north until the localizer needle begins to move
b. Head 034 while descending to 3,000 feet
c. Ask ATC for radar vectors
d. Maintain 4,000 feet on heading 034
4. How should you execute the standard missed approach?
a. Fly direct to the BQM VOR, then proceed outbound on the 071 radial until reaching TORAC
b. Fly heading 090 until intercepting the 071 radial east of the BQM VOR, then proceed outbound on the 071 radial to TORAC
c. Fly direct to the TORAC intersection
d. Fly the 113 radial from the IIU VOR to the LAZYT intersection
5. What does the letter C in the black diamond indicate?
a. Only aircraft in Category C are authorized to conduct the approach
b. Circling minimums are standard
c. Minimums are TERPS-based, indicating an expanded circling approach area
d. Only aircraft able to identify HOSTO are authorized to conduct the approach
Here are the answers to the March 2017 Chart Wise quiz:
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. C
IFR Alternate Airport
Alternate Airport FAR 91.169
If 1 hour before and 1 hour after, Ceiling less than 2,000' and 3,000 Visibility
Alternate Airport must have a
- Precision Approach - (600 & 2) Ceiling 600' AGL Ceiling and 2 Statue Miles Visibility
- Non-Precision Approach -(800 & 2) Ceiling 800' AGL Ceiling and 2 Statue Miles Visibility
- No Approach - Weather must be VFR at time of landing - Ceiling 1,000' , 3statu miles Visibility
One of the most amazing accomplishments any pilot can achieve is flying inside the clouds. Being an IFR-rated pilot is a fantastic opportunity for your career, but that comes with significant responsibilities. When will an alternate be needed for an IFR flight.? How to pick an alternate.? What regulations are involved? Is there any easy way to remember this?
First, let’s start with the basics: § 91.169 – IFR flight plan. I know the FARs use complicated phraseology, and therefore we are looking to simplify and deliver the best approach possible. § 91.169 (b) states that you ALWAYS need to file an alternate UNLESS…
- The airport has an instrument approach procedure AND
- Appropriate weather reports OR weather forecasts, OR a combination of them, indicate the following:
- 1 hour before to 1 hour after your ETA (at the listed destination), the ceiling will be at least 2,000′ AGL, and the visibility will be at least 3 SM. It’s called the 1-2-3 rule; this is the easiest way to remember this section.
What is considered an appropriate weather reports or weather forecasts?
Well, METAR is an observation weather report; meanwhile, the TAF is weather forecast observation of the field. For flights less than an hour, a current METAR may be used.

What if the destination has no TAF?
Although the Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) is preferable, the Graphical Area Forecast (GFA) can be used in its absence. Utilize the “Ceiling/Visibility” tab and the Zulu time sliding bar to determine weather conditions around your arrival.

It’s quiz time!
Planning an IFR flight plan to KJAX, your ETA is 2300Z. Are you required to file an alternate?
Planning your IFR alternate airport
Great job, now that you understand when an alternate is needed. Let’s talk about the conditions an airport requires to meet to qualify as an alternate. Remember, an alternate is a plan B; a professional pilot always has a plan B. As a result, you must verify different factors before even attempt to choose an airport as an alternate.
1. You have to assess the field. Use risk management, and determine the best area to pick an alternate airport.
For example, let imagine you are planning a cross country from KOPF to KJAX. There are significant areas of thunderstorms north of KJAX moving southeast. Your expected time of arrival is 23:00 Zulu. Following the regulation § 91.169 (c), you will need an alternate because of a probability of low visibility is depicted on the TAF. You are a proactive pilot and always plan ahead of time. After reviewing the forecast and current weather, you determine the best possible option will be southwest of the field due to the potentially hazardous weather that exists north moving southeast. With this type of assessment, you can eliminate and narrow it to a small list of possible alternates.

2. Once you identify the possible alternates, now it’s time to determine if they comply with the requirements specified in § 91.169 (c).
- no person may include an alternate airport in an IFR flight plan unless appropriate weather reports or weather forecasts, or a combination of them, indicate that, at the estimated time of arrival (ETA) at the alternate airport, the ceiling and visibility at that airport will be at or above the following weather minima:
- If a usable precision approach is available: 600 ft ceilings AND 2 SM of visibility.
- If only a non-precision approach is useable: 800 ft AND 2 SM of visibility.
- If no instrument approaches are available: Descent from the MEA and landing must be conducted under basic VFR.

3. In the real world, not all airports follow the standard minimums we just listed above here. If that’s the case, the airport has nonstandard alternate minimums. So how do you find those alternate minimums?
a) If an airport has nonstandard IFR alternate minimums information published, you will know by seeing a symbol that looks like a triangle with an ‘A’ in it on the Notes section’s approach plate.

b) To view the non-standard IFR alternate minimums information, you will need to go to the front of the TPP to the Alternate Mins Section (M1), then search for the airport, and use the notes for the desired approach.

c) If you’re using ForeFlight, you can click on the “alternate minimums” tab under “arrival procedures.” Sorted by city name, you’ll find the new weather minimums you must use to determine if an airport is eligible to file as an alternate.

d) Not all the airport are quality as an alternate, you will know by seeing an NA before the triangle with an ‘A’ in it on the Notes section’s approach plate.

RNAV approaches as alternate airport considerations
- (AIM 1-1-18, AIM 1-1-19)
- GPS users (without WAAS) may flight plan to use GPS based approaches at either their destination or alternate, but not at both locations
- WAAS users without BARO-VNAV may flight plan for the use of LNAV approaches at any airport, whether the destination, alternate, or both.
- WAAS equipped with BARO-VNAV may flight plan for LNAV/NAV or RNP 0.3 DA approaches at both, the destination and alternate. (AIM 1-1-18)