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visualisation of the traffic Pattern
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“The Art of Perfect Landings” Here @ the Sky’s The Limit and I can promise, that it will help you put all the pieces of the puzzle together, helping you have:
•Perfect Landings time and time again...

**This is a Reference to help all levels of Qualified or Student Pilots, on how to better visualise the Traffic Pattern**
- It’s clear to see that without the Adequate...
•Situational Awareness,
•Airmanship Skills,

Gained through...
•Good Training
•Understanding your CFIs (Certified Flight Instructor)
You will Fall Short of being a...
• More Confident,


Sample Text from The Art of Perfect Landings:

🔑✈️The Key to Perfect, Consummate, Faultless, Flawless, Consistent Landings is:

🔑**first Off for you to Gain Consistent & Faultless Landings you must be...

🔑**Consistent & Flawless with the Whole Pattern / Approach basically the whole Set-up to Land needs to be on Perfect,makes sense right?

So Back 2 Basic Theory Knowledge there Are Four/ or /Five Legs to each Lading Pattern;

✈🔑️1.Upwind from follow Extended Centreline & Adjust for cross Winds Take Off - 500ft (Flaps Out) (LandingLight Off) (+ev Rate of Climb)(+ev Airspeed) (Vr/Vx/Vy) 300ft Below TPA Make Turn to Cross Wind-

✈🔑️2.Crosswind - Climbing Turn upto 950ft (Vy/Vx) Remember Speed is King

✈🔑️3.Downwind - 1000ft (Circuit Height) (Straight & Level) circuit Speed 80kt / Flap Stage 1 (Checklist). *BUMFLICHH*
*Downwind Speed VS-1.5*

✈🔑️4.Base - 700-500ft Glide Speed / Flaps Stage 2 Descent rate @ 500-600ft / Min Target to be at 500ft on Final.
*Base Speed VSO-1.4*

✈️🔑5.Final - 500ft- 0ft Full Flaps if Needed/ Flap less approach 1 Stage flaps in strong cross wind gusty condition.
*Final Speed VSO-1.3* GlideSlope- ⚪️🔴

**Each Turn in the Pattern is @ 90° Turn Left or Right (No more then 30° of Bank) (if it's to the Left we -°Minus to the Right We +°Add ° to our Heading)

For Example:

**#RuleOfThumb L/R Hand Pattern Mind Set:
Left Hand (-°) / Right Hand (+°)

*Left Hand Pattern (-°)Runway#36- 360° X-Wind- 270° D-Wind- 180° Base- 090° Final- 360°

*Right Hand Pattern (+°) Runway#36- 360° X-Wind- 090° D-Wind- 180° Base- 270° Final- 360°

**Pre Landing Checklist Acronym:**
B-rakes - Press Toe-brakes - OFF
U-ndercarriage - Down "Fixed"
M-ixture - "Rich"
F-uel - "ON" & Sufficient for Go-Around
L-ights - "ON" Landing Lights
I-nstruments - Altimeter Set/ D.I / Engine T's & P's in the GREEN
C-arb Heat - Check for ICE & Set Cold
H-atches - Locked & Secured
H-arnesses - ON & Secured

YOUR Flight School & CFI are YOUR KEYS 🔑 to the SKY...


And I’m Confident it will HELP YOU... put all the pieces of the Puzzle Together!!

E-Book PDF downloads available Soon 🔜
Here @ The Sky's The Limit
The Home of the Safer, Smarter, Confident Pilots.

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