Friday, February 2, 2024



"Aviate-Navigate-Communicate: The Essential Pilot's Mantra ✈️

While it may sound clichéd, the wisdom of this mantra stands strong in aviation. In any situation, the order of priorities remains unchanged: first, ensure the aircraft's attitude, power, and drag are properly managed; second, optimize your flight path both laterally and vertically; and finally, once all is in order, engage with ATC.

Never forget to listen to your aircraft; it's been paying attention to you all along. If something doesn't seem right, anticipate challenges, and you'll always stay prepared. There's no need to panic; an airplane won't simply plummet from the sky. If the engine's running, you still have an aircraft, and without it, you've got a glider. Keep flying either as long as you can.

But here's the key: always keep an eye outside the cockpit. Remember those three words even more crucial than 'I Love You': Aviate, Navigate, Communicate. In that precise order.

While addressing any issues inside the cockpit, your primary focus should be on what's happening outside. Keep that aircraft in the air until there's no other choice.

Learn the language of your airplane and have a conversation with it. A well-informed pilot on the ground ensures safe flights in the air, and a pilot who truly understands their aircraft will always be a wise pilot.

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