Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Weather Resources - Wx Contractions

Weather Resources - Wx ContractionsNavigation:  Standard Weather Briefing Weather Briefing Form | Weather Contractions | Graphical Weather Textual Weather | METAR Practice | TAF Practice | Winds Aloft Practice | Mysteries of the METAR | Radar

Decoder:  Braking Action | Weather Contractions | Abbreviations list | NOTAMs Contractions | Aircraft

Weather reports translated here!  Have you ever read a weather report and have no idea what it means?  Type Ctrl-F to find weather contractions in this list (its very very long).  
If you don't find what you're looking for, other contractions used by the National Weather Service and FAA are available at the links above.

If you don't find what you're looking for, contact me and i will research it for you.  Read the article Mysteries of the METAR for reasons behind the strange weather contractions.

Want the complete reference guide?  Click the green thumbnail to the above right.  
METAR & TAF Weather Reports
Weather Identifiers:

BC Patches
BL Blowing
BR Mist
DR Low Drifting
DS Dust storm
DU Dust
DZ Drizzle
E   Ended
FC, +FC Funnel Cloud,
   Well-Developed Funnel
   Cloud Tornado or
FG Fog
FU Smoke
FZ Freezing
GR Hail
GS Small Hail or Snow
      Pellets (< 1/4) 
HZ Haze
IC Ice Crystals
MI Shallow
PE Ice Pellets
PO Well-Developed
      Dust/Sand Whirls
PR Partial
PY Spray
RA Rain 
SA Sand
SG Snow Grains
SH Showers
SN Snow
SQ Squalls Moderate
SS Sandstorm
TS Thunderstorm
UP Unknown Precipitation
VA Volcanic Ash
VC In the Vicinity
Modifiers:   - Light      + Heavy     P More than     M Less than      B Began     E Ended
Sky Conditions:

BKN – Broken cloud layer 5/8ths to 7/8ths
CB – Cumulonimbus
CLR – Sky clear at or below 12,000AGL
FEW – Few cloud layer 0/8ths to 2/8ths 
OVC – Overcast cloud layer 8/8ths coverage
SCT – Scattered cloud layer 3/8ths to 4/8ths
SKC – Sky Clear
TCU – Towering Cumulus

A01 – Automated Observation without precipitation discrimination
A02 – Automated Observation with precipitation discrimination
A3000 – Altimeter setting 30.00”
AMD – Amended forecast
APCLM - Airport Closed due to meteorological conditions
APRSM - Airport Restricted due to meteorological condns
AUTO – without human editing
BECMG – Becoming…  BECMG 0002 = becoming 00 to 02 Zulu
CAVU – Ceiling and visibility unlimited
COR – Correction
DSNT – Distant weather phenomenon
FM – From…   FM0200 = from 0200 Zulu
FROPA – Frontal Passage
LDG – Landing
M – Minus, below zero, “less than”
NO – Not available
NSW – No significant weather
P6SM – Plus 6 Statute Miles, greater than, “more than”
PK WND – Peak Wind
PRESFR/PRESRR – Pressure Falling or Rising RapidlyPROB40 – Probability of 40%
R04 – Runway 4
RMK – Remarks
RWY – Runway
RVRNO – Runway Visual Range not available
SFC VIS – Surface Visibility
SLP – Sea Level Pressure, add 10 to numbers given
SLPNO – Sea Level Pressure not available
SM – Statute miles
SPECI – Special Report
TEMPO – Temporarily…  TEMPO 0002 = Temporarily 00 to 02 Zulu
T02560179 – Temperature 25.6 dew point 17.9
TWR VIS – Tower Visibility
V – Varying
VRB – Variable
VRB VIS – Variable Visibility
VV – Vertical Visibility, indefinite ceiling
WS – Wind shear
WSHFT - Wind shift

Area Forecast Weather Reports

AAF - Army Air Field
AAL - above aerodrome level
AATM - at all times
ABD – aboard
ABNDT - abundant
ABNML - abnormal
ABT - about
ABV - above
AC - altocumulus
ACARS - Aircraft communication addressing & reporting system
ACCUM - accumulate
ACFT - aircraft
ACK - acknowledge
ACL - altimeter check location
ACLD - above clouds
ACLT - accelerate
ACPT - accept
ACR - air carrier
ACRBT - acrobatic
ACRS - across
ACSL - standing lenticular altocumulus
ACT - active or activated or activity
ACTG - acting
ACTV - active
ACTVT - activate
ACYC - anticyclonic
ADA - advisory area
ADDN - addition
ADF - automatic direction finder
ADIZ - air defense identification zone
ADJ - adjacent
ADQT - adequate
ADRNDCK - adirondack
ADV - advise
ADVCTN - advection
ADVN - advance
ADVY - advisory
ADVZY - advisory
AFB - Air Force Base
AFCT - affect
AFD - Airport/Facility Directory
AFDK - after dark
AFSS - Automated Flight Service Station
AFT - after
AFTN - afternoon
AGL - above ground level
AHD - ahead
AIM - Aeronautical Information Manual
AIRMET - Airmen's Meteorological Information
ALF - aloft
ALG - along
ALGHNY - Allegheny
ALNMT - alignment
ALQDS - all quadrants
ALS - approach light system
ALSEC - all sectors
ALSF-1 - standard 2400' high-intensity approach lighting system with sequenced flashers (Category I configuration)
ALSF-2 - standard 2400' high-intensity approach lighting system with sequenced flashers (Category II configuration)
ALSTG - altimeter setting
ALT - altitude
ALTA - Alberta
ALTM - altimeter
ALTN - alternate
ALUTN - Aleutian
AM - ante meridiem
AMS - air mass
AMSL - above mean sea level
ANCPT - anticipate
ANLYS - analysis
AO1 - ASOS automated observation without recipitation discriminator (rain/snow)
AO2 - ASOS automated observation with precipitation discriminator (rain/snow)
AOA - at or above
AOB - at or below
AOE - airport of entry
APCH - approach
APL - airport lights
APLCN - Appalachian
APN - Apron
APRNT - apparent
APROP - appropriate
APRX - approximate
ARB - Air Reserve Base
ARFOR - area forecast
ARINC - Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated
ARND - around
ARTC - air route traffic control
ARTCC - Air Route Traffic Control Center
AS - altostratus
ASAP - as soon as possible
ASDA - accelerate-stop distance available
ASL - above sea level
ASOS - automated surface observing system
ASPH - asphalt
ATA - actual time of arrival
ATIS - automatic terminal information service
ATLC - Atlantic
AURBO - Aurora Borealis
AUTH - authorized
AUTO - automatic
AVG - average
AVGAS - aviation gasoline
AWOS - automatic weather observing/reporting system
AWY - airway
AZM - azimuth
BACLIN - Baroclinic 
BAJA - Baja California 
BATROP - Barotropic 
BC - British Columbia 
BCH - Beach 
BCKG - Backing 
BCM - Become 
BCMG - Becoming 
BCMS - Becomes 
BD - Blowing dust 
BDA - Bermuda 
BDRY - Boundary 
BFDK - Before dark 
BFR - Before 
BGN - Begin 
BGNG - Beginning 
BGNS - Begins 
BHND - Behind 
BINOVC - Breaks in overcast 
BKN - Broken 
BLD - Build 
BLDG - Building 
BLDS - Builds 
BLDUP - Buildup 
BLKHLS - Black Hills 
BLKT - Blanket 
BLKTG - Blanketing 
BLKTS - Blankets 
BLO - Below 
BLZD - Blizzard 
BN - Blowing sand 
BND - Bound 
BNDRY - Boundary 
BNDRYS - Boundaries 
BNTH - Beneath 
BOOTHEEL - Bootheel 
BR - Branch 
BRG - Branching 
BRS - Branches 
BRF - Brief 
BRK - Break 
BRKG - Breaking 
BRKHIC - Breaks in higher clouds 
BRKS - Breaks 
BRKSHR - Berkshire 
BRKSHRS - Berkshires 
BRM - Barometer 
BS - Blowing snow 
BTWN - Between 
BYD - Beyond 
C - Celsius 
CA - California 
CAA - Cold Air Advection 
CARIB - Caribbean 
CASCDS - Cascades 
CAVOK - Ceiling and visibility OK 
CAVU - Ceiling and visibility unlimited 
CB - Cumulonimbus 
CBS - Cumulonimbi 
CC - Cirrocumulus 
CCLDS - Clear of clouds 
CCLKWS - Counter-clockwise 
CCSL - Standing lenticular cirrocumulus 
CDFNT - Cold front 
CDFNTL - Cold frontal 
CFP - Cold front passage 
CG - Cloud-to-ground 
CHC - Chance 
CHCS - Chances 
CHG - Change 
CHGD - Changed 
CHGG - Changing 
CHGS - Changes 
CHSPK - Chesepeake 
CI - Cirrus 
CIG - Ceiling
CIGS - Ceilings 
CLD - Cloud 
CLDNS - Cloudiness 
CLDS - Clouds 
CLKWS - Clockwise 
CLR - Clear 
CLRG - Clearing 
CLRS - Clears 
CMPLX - Complex 
CNCL - Cancel 
CNCLD - Cancelled 
CNCLG - Cancelling 
CNCLS - Cancels 
CNDN - Canadian 
CNTR - Center 
CNTRD - Centered 
CNTRLN - Centerline 
CNTRS - Centers 
CNTRL - Central 
CNTY - County 
CNTYS - Counties 
CNVG - Converge 
CNVGG - Converging 
CNVGNC - Convergence 
CNVTN - Convection 
CNVTV - Convective 
CNVTVLY - Convectively 
CNFDC - Confidence 
CO - Colorado 
COMPAR - Compare 
COMPARG - Comparing 
COMPARD - Compared 
COMPARS - Compares 
COND - Conditions 
CONT - Continue 
CONTD - Continued 
CONTLY - Continually 
CONTG - Continuing 
CONTRAILS - Condensation Trails 
CONTS - Continues 
CONTDVD - Continental Divide 
CONUS - Continental U.S. 
COORD - Coordinate 
COR - Correction 
CPBL - Capable 
CRC - Circle 
CRCLC - Circulate 
CRCLN - Circulation 
CRNR - Corner 
CRNRS - Corners 
CRS - Course 
CS - Cirrostratus 
CSDR - Consider 
CSDRBL - Considerable 
CST - Coast 
CSTL - Coastal 
CT - Connecticut 
CTGY - Category 
CTSKLS - Catskills 
CU - Cumulus 
CUFRA - Cumulus Fractus 
CVR - Cover 
CVRD - Covered 
CVRG - Covering 
CVRS - Covers 
CYC - Cyclonic 
CYCLGN - Cyclogenesis 
DABRK - Daybreak 
DALGT - Day light 
DBL - Double 
DC - District of Columbia 
DCR - Decrease 
DCRD - Decreased 
DCRG - Decreasing 
DCRGLY - Decreasingly 
DCRS - Decreases 
DE - Delaware 
DEG - Degree 
DEGS - Degrees 
DELMARVA - Delaware-Maryland-Virginia 
DFCLT - Difficult 
DFCLTY - Difficulty 
DFNT - Definite 
DFNTLY - Definitely 
DFRS - Differs 
DFUS - Diffuse 
DGNL - Diagonal 
DGNLLY - Diagonally 
DIGG - Digging DIR - Direction DISC - Discontinue 
DISCD - Discontinued 
DISCG - Discontinuing 
DISRE - Disregard 
DISRED - Disregarded 
DISREG - Disregarding 
DKTS - Dakotas 
DLA - Delay 
DLAD - Delayed 
DLT - Delete 
DLTD - Deleted 
DLTG - Deleting 
DLY - Daily 
DMG - Damage 
DMGD - Damaged 
DMGG - Damaging 
DMNT - Dominant 
DMSH - Diminish 
DMSHD - Diminished 
DMSHG - Diminishing 
DMSHS - Diminishes 
DNDFTS - Downdrafts 
DNS - Dense 
DNSLP - Downslope 
DNSTRM - Downstream 
DNWND - Down wind 
DP - Deep 
DPND - Deepened 
DPNS - Deepens 
DPR - Deeper 
DPNG - Deepening 
DPTH - Depth 
DRFT - Drift 
DRFTD - Drifted 
DRFTG - Drifting 
DRFTS - Drifts 
DRZL - Drizzle 
DSCNT - Descent 
DSIPT - Dissipate 
DSIPTD - Dissipated 
DSIPTG - Dissipating 
DSIPTN - Dissipation 
DSIPTS - Dissipates 
DSND - Descend 
DSNDG - Descending 
DSNDS - Descends 
DSNT - Distant 
DSTBLZ - Destabilize 
DSTBLZD - Destabilized 
DSTBLZG - Destablizing 
DSTBLZS - Destablizes 
DSTBLZN - Destablization 
DSTC - Distance 
DTRT - Deteriorate 
DTRTD - Deteriorated 
DTRTG - Deteriorating 
DTRTS - Deteriorates 
DURG - During 
DURN - Duration 
DVLP - Develop 
DVLPD - Developed 
DVLPG - Developing 
DVLPMT - Development 
DVLPS - Develops 
DVRG - Diverge 
DVRGG - Diverging 
DVRGNC - Divergence 
DVRGS - Diverges
DVV - Downward vertical velocity
DWNDFTS - Downdrafts 
DWPNT - Dewpoint 
DWPNTS - Dewpoints 
DX - Duplex 
E - East 
EBND - East bound 
EFCT - Effect 
ELNGT - Elongate 
ELNGTD - Elongated 
ELSW - Elsewhere 
EMBDD - Embedded 
EMERG - Emergency 
ENCTR - Encounter 
ENDG - Ending 
ENE - East-northeast 
ENELY - East-northeasterly 
ENERN - East-northeastern 
ENEWD - East-northeastward 
ENHNC - Enhance 
ENHNCD - Enhanced 
ENHNCG - Enhancing 
ENHNCS - Enhances 
ENHNCMNT - Enhancement 
ENTR - Entire 
ERN - Eastern 
ERY - Early 
ERYR - Earlier 
ESE - East-southeast 
ESELY - East-southeasterly 
ESERN - East-southeastern 
ESEWD - East-southeastward 
ESNTL - Essential 
ESTAB - Establish 
ESTS - Estimates 
ETA - Eta model 
ETC - Et cetera 
ETIM - Elapsed time 
EVE - Evening 
EWD - Eastward 
EXCLV - Exclusive 
EXCLVLY - Exclusively 
EXCP - Except 
EXPC - Expect 
EXPCD - Expected 
EXPCG - Expecting 
EXTD - Extend 
EXTDD - Extended 
EXTDG - Extending 
EXTDS - Extends 
EXTN - Extension 
EXTRAP - Extrapolate 
EXTRAPD - Extrapolated 
EXTRM - Extreme 
EXTRMLY - Extremely 
EXTSV - Extensive
F - Farenheit 
FA - Aviation area forecast 
FAH - Farenheit
FAM - Familiar 
FCST - Forecast 
FCSTD - Forecasted 
FCSTG - Forecasting 
FCSTR - Forecaster 
FCSTS - Forecasts 
FIG - Figure 
FILG - Filling 
FIRAV - First available 
FL - Florida 
FLG - Falling 
FLRY - Flurry 
FLRYS - Flurries 
FLT - Flight 
FLW - Follow 
FLWG - Following 
FM - From 
FMT - Format 
FNCTN - Function 
FNT - Front 
FNTL - Frontal 
FNTS - Fronts 
FNTGNS - Frontogenesis 
FNTLYS - Frontolysis 
FORNN - Forenoon 
FPM - Feet per minute 
FQT - Frequent 
FQTLY - Frequently 
FRM - Form 
FRMG - Forming
FRMN - Formation 
FROPA - Frontal passage 
FROSFC - Frontal surface 
FRST - Frost 
FRWF - Forecast wind factor 
FRZ - Freeze 
FRZN - Frozen 
FRZG - Freezing 
FT - Feet 
FT - Terminal forecast
FTHR - Further 
FVRBL - Favorable 
FWD - Forward 
FYI - For your information
G - Gust 
GA - Georgia 
GEN - General 
GENLY - Generally 
GEO - Geographic  

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