Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Weather Identifiers

Weather Identifiers:
B - Began 
BC Patches
BL Blowing
BR Mist
DR Low Drifting
DS Dust storm
DU Dust
DZ Drizzle
E - Ended
FC, +FC Funnel Cloud,
   Well-Developed Funnel Cloud 
   Tornado or Waterspout
FG Fog
FU Smoke
FZ Freezing 
GR Hail 
GS Small Hail or Snow Pellets (< 1/4)
HZ Haze
IC Ice Crystals
MI Shallow
PE Ice Pellets
PO Well-Developed Dust/Sand Whirls
PR Partial 
PY Spray
RA Rain 
SA Sand
SG Snow Grains
SH Showers
SN Snow
SQ Squalls Moderate
SS Sandstorm 
TS Thunderstorm 
UP Unknown Precipitation
VA Volcanic Ash 
VC In the Vicinity

- Light      + Heavy     
P More than     M Less than      
B Began     E Ended

Sky Conditions:
BKN – Broken cloud layer 5/8ths-7/8ths
CB – Cumulonimbus 
CLR–Sky clear at or below 12,000AGL
FEW–Few cloud layer 0/8ths-2/8ths 
OVC–Overcast cloud layer 8/8ths 
SCT–Scattered cloud layer 3/8ths-4/8ths 
SKC – Sky Clear
TCU – Towering Cumulus

A01 – Automated Observation without precipitation discrimination
A02 – Automated Observation with precipitation discrimination
A3000 – Altimeter setting 30.00”
AMD – Amended forecast
AUTO – without human editing
BECMG – Becoming… 
BECMG 0002 = becoming 00 to 02 Z

CAVU – Ceiling and visibility unlimited
COR – Correction
DSNT – Distant weather phenomenon
FM – From…  
FM0200 = from 0200 Zulu

FROPA – Frontal Passage
LDG – Landing
M – Minus, below zero, “less than”
NO – Not available
NSW – No significant weather
P6SM – Plus 6 Statute Miles, greater than, “more than”
PK WND – Peak Wind
PRESFR/PRESRR – Pressure Falling or Rising Rapidly
PROB40 – Probability of 40%
R04 – Runway 4
RMK – Remarks
RWY – Runway 
RVRNO–Runway Visual Range not avail
SFC VIS – Surface Visibility
SLP – Sea Level Pressure, add 10 to numbers given
SLPNO – Sea Level Pressure not avail
SM – Statute miles
SPECI – Special Report
TEMPO – Temporarily… 
TEMPO 0002 = Temporarily 00 to 02 Z

T02560179–Temp 25.6 dew point 17.9
TWR VIS – Tower Visibility
V – Varying
VRB – Variable
VRB VIS – Variable Visibility
VV – Vertical Visibility, indefinite ceiling
WS – Wind shear
WSHFT - Wind shift 

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