Saturday, November 26, 2016

Clearance CRAFT

Requesting your IFR Clearance

Thinking in front of the aircraft

Rolling in or out of turn use the Inverted V pattern scan    AI => VSI => AI => TC
Straight and level flight  -   Radial Scan     AI => ASI => AI => TC  =>AI =>HI => AI => ALT =>AI =>VSI

Descend with Rate
Climb with Airspeed  not Auto Pilot Rate of Climb ..

GPS approach - Magenta
ILS Localizer Glide slope - GREEN

Clearance CRAFT
Transponder (Squack)

Example of Clearance

Pilot: tune in to ATIS - Get information Xray
Pilot: Tune in to Ground
Pilot: Livermore Ground,  Cerius Charlie Alfa Delta, at fuel pump with xray, Taxi to takeoff, IFR to Stockstan

Ground: Cerius Charlie Alfa Delta, Glad to have your clearance advice when ready to copy
Pilot: Ready to copy

Ground:  Cerius Charlie Alfa Delta, Clear to Stockton Airport  via vee departure procedure,  altam V244, vitanta direct, climb maintain 400,  exper 5000 after one zero mins after departure . Departure frequency 120.9  (Squack)  4271

Pilot Copy Clearance:
Clearance CRAFT
Clearance  stockton airport - depart procedure  altam V244
Route:   vitanta direct
Altitude  maintain 400,   exper 5000 after 10 mins after departure
Frequency 120.9
Transponder (Squack)  4271

Pilot:  Readback  Cerius Charlie Alfa Delta, Clear to Stockton Airport  via vee departure procedure,  altam V244, vitanta direct, climb maintain 400,  exper 5000 after one zero mins after departure . Departure frequency 120.9  (Squack)  4271

Ground:  JC C Delta your Readback is Correct, Taxi  Runway 25R  Juliet   Verify information Xray
Pilot:  Charlie Alfa Delta  Taxi  Runway 25R  Juliet   Verify information Xray

com1  Ground/Tower
com2  Tower/departure

Airport in sight requesting VFR
Established inbound
Approach speed
Contact stockton tower

Climb Checklist

Once you are connected to the appropriate Clearance Delivery Controller, all you have to do is ask for it:
"Clearance Delivery, good morning. Air Canada 301 requesting IFR Clearance to Calgary"
It is highly recommended that when you request your IFR clearance - you have a pencil in your hand and be ready to copy down the details of it. You just asked for it - so the controllers can only assume that you are ready to receive it.

CRAFT is a commonly used acronym for IFR clearances. CRAFT stands for Clearance Limit, Route, Altitude, Departure Frequency, Transponder. 
  • Clearance Limit - This is almost always the destination airport.
  • Route of Flight - This is the route of flight you will fly. It must be checked as described below.
  • Altitude - This is composed of an initial and final climb altitudes as described below.
  • Departure Freqency - This is the frequency of the radar facility handling departures.
  • Transponder - This is transponder beacon code assigned for your flight.
"Air Canada 301, Los Angeles Clearance Delivery. Cleared to the Calgary International Airport via the Gorman Four Departure, Shafter Transition, then as filed. Maintain 5000, Expect Flight Level Three Four Zero - five minutes after departure. Departure Frequency 124.30, Squawk 7201. Good Morning."

(Note, that the departure frequency in some countries follows the clearance and therefore is not a direct part of the clearance)

Components of the Clearance

"Air Canada 301"
That's you. Make sure you always listen for your callsign.
"Los Angeles Clearance Delivery"
That's the controller identifying themselves. They will usually only identify themselves the first time they speak to you.
"Cleared to the Calgary International Airport"
This is your Clearance Limit. They have cleared you all the way to the Calgary Airport.
"via the Gorman Four Departure, Shafter Transition, then as filed"
This is your Route of Flight. You are expected to fly via the GMN4 departure, EHF Transition as depicted on the SID chart. Once you reach EHF you are expected to continue your flightplan from that point on, which would be LLC REO J537 ONEAL VUCAN THIRD3 CYYC
"Maintain 5000, Expect Flight Level Three Four Zero - five minutes after departure"
This is your Altitude Clearance. It is broken into a few different portions:
"Maintain 5000"
This is your initial climb altitude. You are not at this point cleared any higher than 5000 feet. You should not climb above 5000 feet under any circumstances except if your safety is in jeopardy, or for reasons mentioned below. Controllers generally rip their hair out when aircraft "bust" their altitude clearance.
"Expect Flight Level Three Four Zero - five minutes after departure"
This is what you can expect as your cruise altitude. They tell you to expect that altitude within 5 minutes because in the event that you lose all radio communications. You can then climb to FL340 after 5 minutes. Note that this is ONLY if you lose radio communications. Also this part varies in different countries.
"Departure Frequency 124.30"
This is your Departure Frequency. This is the controller you are expected to contact once you are airborne. In most cases the Tower controller will tell you when to contact that controller. If you lose communications with the tower once you are in the air - this is the controller you should contact.
"Squawk 7201"
Transponder. This is the code you should type into your Transponder. It is a unique code - specially reserved for YOU. You should type it into your transponder as soon as possible, without it - the controllers may have trouble radar identifying you.

Responding to the Clearance

Once the Controller has issued the IFR clearance to you, they expect you to read back the clearance in order to acknowledge that you have received it, understand it, and accept it. You should go ahead with your readback immediately following the controller's transmission (unless told otherwise) - this is why you had that pencil ready to write it down. Your readback might sound like this:
"Cleared to Calgary via the GMN4 departure, EHF transition, then as filed. Initial altitude 5000, expecting 340 in 5, departure on 124.3, squawk 7201, Air Canada 301"
The controller would usually tell you that your readback was correct and pass on other relevant information. If part of your readback was not correct, they will tell you what parts were incorrect and expect you to readback the portion that was incorrect.
"Air Canada 301, Readback Correct"

There are some variations to the readback. If your clearance contained no ammendments to the initial route and altitude that you filed, you can simply readback your squawk code:
"Squawk 7201, Air Canada 301"
in this case, the controller would respond with
"Squawk readback correct"

Variations on IFR Clearances

Sometimes the route that you filed may not be valid or acceptable to the controller for a number of reasons. In most cases they will issue you an ammended IFR clearance. These differences are mainly to be found in different countries. As example we take Germany:
"ACA234 heavy, you are cleared to your destination xxx via SID, flight planned route, squawk 1234."
"ACA234 heavy, cleared SID, squawk 1234"
"ACA234 heavy, readback is correct, qnh NNNN, departure frequency 123.450"
As you can see, the clearance follows an equal scheme. 

What do I do with my clearance now?

Since the controller has issued your clearance, you have read it back, and they have confirmed the readback - you now have a legally binding contract for how you will conduct your IFR Flight.
You are expected to comply with the route of flight. If you were assigned a SID - you should be prepared to fly it as depicted on the chart. If you do not have the SID chart or do not understand how to fly it, you should not file it or not accept it when issued by the Controller. 
If you were assigned an initial altitude, you are expected to climb to and maintain that altitude unless otherwise instructed by a controller.

Clearance CRAFT
Transponder (Squack)

Example of Clearance

Pilot: tune in to ATIS - Get information Xray
Pilot: Tune in to Ground
Pilot: Livermore Ground,  Cerius Charlie Alfa Delta, at fuel pump with xray, Taxi to takeoff, IFR to Stockstan

Ground: Cerius Charlie Alfa Delta, Glad to have your clearance advice when ready to copy
Pilot: Ready to copy

Ground:  Cerius Charlie Alfa Delta, Clear to Stockton Airport  via vee departure procedure,  Altam V244, vitanta direct, climb maintain 400,  exper 5000 after one zero mins after departure . Departure frequency 120.9  (Squack)  4271

Pilot Copy Clearance:
Clearance CRAFT
Clearance  stockton airport - depart procedure  altam V244
Route:   vitanta direct
Altitude  maintain 400,   exper 5000 after 10 mins after departure
Frequency 120.9
Transponder (Squack)  4271

Pilot:  Readback  Cerius Charlie Alfa Delta, Clear to Stockton Airport  via vee departure procedure,  altam V244, vitanta direct, climb maintain 400,  exper 5000 after one zero mins after departure . Departure frequency 120.9  (Squack)  4271

Ground:  JC C Delta your Readback is Correct, Taxi  Runway 25R  Juliet   Verify information Xray
Pilot:  Charlie Alfa Delta  Taxi  Runway 25R  Juliet   Verify information Xray

com1  Ground/Tower
com2  Tower/departure

Airport in sight requesting VFR
Established inbound
Approach speed
Contact stockton tower

"Clear for the Approach"
“916DF you are three miles from JERIT, fly heading 300 and maintain 2,100 until established, cleared RNAV 33 approach”

1. Recap: Read back to ATC
- IFR Clearance
* Get IFR from AIR via VFR 
* Recieve Clearance Delivery for IFR from Class C  - from a saillite airport 
* Call Flight Service over radio
* if you miss the clearange VOID TIME
- Taxi Clearance
- Clearance to Cross, Hold short, line up, takeoff from runway
- Altimeter Settings, Transponder code, Altitudes, Heading & Frequency Changes, Traffic call-outs
- ATIS information
- Landing Clearane 
- Your N number or Call Sign

2. Various way to obtain your clearance
3. Copy the clearance
4. Entering Controlled Airspace
5. The handoff- From one ATC sector to Another
6. REquesting a diviation (unfavorable conditoins turblance, icing, Clumlus clouds) ask for diveationg of hearing 
7. Close your flight plan

Clear to 
Route   Via   /As Filed   (Climb via SID)
Frequency (departure)
Transponder Code
Hold for realease clearance  (we can copy the clearance but can't take off just yet
Clear to KVNC
Route:  Via Radar Vectors (RV) PHK V492 (Victor 492) AF As Flie 
Climb and maintain 2000     (Altitude 2000 7000 -10)
Departure Frequency 128.3
Squack 4555


C - Cleared to 
R - Route   RH RV  D
A - Altitude
F - Frequency 
T - Transponder

Use foreflight flight plan confirmation email
write the clearance info down and underline when receive for ATC

Short Hand 
Route:  RH - Runway Heading , RV - Radar Vector, D Direct TX Transition

Altitude - 2/8/10 = Climb and maintain 2 thousand,  expect 8 thousand in one Zero mins 10  
<2K at or below 2,000 feet


Tips in Communication
1. Read AIM on Communication
2. Announce you're a student pilot
3. Listen before you transmit (AIM)
4. Record yourself and review
5. ATC Live App

8. You can alway say "NO"  "unable"
9. Aviate before you communate
10. Expect Certain Calls  [Think of all phases of flight (anticipate thing)]
11. Slow Down
12. Ask for a vector for #2 for the air
13. Clearance Hacks
14. ATC is there for you 
15. Don't take it personally

Pilot: Hanscom ground, Cessna 345, flight following request
Ground: Cessns 345, Say your request
Pilot: Hanscom Ground, I like Fligh Flower to Addison airport, Alpha Delta, Seria at 7,500' We Cessna 182/G 
Ground: Cessns 345, I'll put that in for you
Pilot: We' re at fule pump with Foxtrot - Ready to taxi
Ground: Cessns 345, I've your flight flowing information when you're ready to copy
Pilot: Standy-by
Pilot: Hanscom ground, Ready to Copy
Ground: Cessns 345, SQUACK 2561, Departure 119.0
Pilot:squack 2561,  119.0 for Cessns 345

Clear for ILS approach,  vectoring to an ILS Approach, to join a localizer 
HEading - Altitude - Join Localizer 

Cessna 234 you're 3 miles from JERRT (Final Approach Fix) maintian HEading, Altitude, until establish, you're  Clear for approach

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