Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Instrument Scan


Attitude Instrument Flying Method
·        Control and Performance Method   (attitude/Power to get desire performance)
o   Control instruments
§  Setup AI,   power ASI  and Altitude ALT
o   Performance Instruments (provides feed back to confirm support control instruments)
o   Navigation Instruments
§  VOR – Position of aircraft relative to facilitate or fix

·        Primary / Support method
o   Pitch control instrument  - ALT (Primary), VSI (Supporting) AI, ASI
o   Bank control instruments –Heading Indicator (DG) (Primary),  AI (supporting), TC,
o   Power control Instrument – ASI (Primary), TAC (supporting), Manifold Pressure (supporting)

  •   Instrument cross check
  •   Instrument interpretations
  •   Aircraft Control – adjust pitch /bank/power
Problems of SCAN
  • Omission 
  • Fixation on one instrument
  • Emphasizing on one instrument instead of combination of instruments

Types of Scan
  1. Inverted 'V'      
    • Attitude Indicator  => Vertical Speed Indicator  => Attitude Indicator
    • Attitude Indicator =>  Turn Coordinator => Attitude Indicator
    • Attitude Indicator  => Vertical Speed Indicator  => Attitude Indicator
    • Note: Each instrument has a different source  VSI - Static Air, TC, Electrical, AI - Gyro 
  2. Rectangular Cross Check
    • ASI => AI => ALT => VSI => HI => TC
  3. Radial Scan
    1.  AI  => ALT  =>  AI => VSI  => AI => HI => AI => TC => AI => ASI => AI

6 Pack Key 

  1. AI    - Attitude Indicator
  2. ALT - Altimeter
  3. VSI  - Vertical Speed Indicator
  4. HI    - Heading Indicator (Directional Gyro)
  5. TC   - Turn Coordinator
  6. ASI  - Airspeed Indicator 

          Maneuvers                                              Pitch                                            Bank
  1. Straight and Level Flight                         Altimeter                                      Heading Indicator

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