Saturday, November 26, 2016

Thinking in front of the aircraft

Thinking in front of the aircraft

Rolling in or out of turn use the Inverted V pattern scan    AI => VSI => AI => TC
Straight and level flight  -   Radial Scan     AI => ASI => AI => TC  =>AI =>HI => AI => ALT =>AI =>VSI

Descend with Rate
Climb with Airspeed  not Auto Pilot Rate of Climb ..

GPS approach - Magenta
ILS Localizer Glide slope - GREEN

Clearance CRAFT
Transponder (Squack)

Example of Clearance

Pilot: tune in to ATIS - Get information Xray
Pilot: Tune in to Ground
Pilot: Livermore Ground,  Cerius Charlie Alfa Delta, at fuel pump with xray, Taxi to takeoff, IFR to Stockstan

Ground: Cerius Charlie Alfa Delta, Glad to have your clearance advice when ready to copy
Pilot: Ready to copy

Ground:  Cerius Charlie Alfa Delta, Clear to Stockton Airport  via vee departure procedure,  altam V244, vitanta direct, climb maintain 400,  exper 5000 after one zero mins after departure . Departure frequency 120.9  (Squack)  4271

Pilot Copy Clearance:
Clearance CRAFT
Clearance  stockton airport - depart procedure  altam V244
Route:   vitanta direct
Altitude  maintain 400,   exper 5000 after 10 mins after departure
Frequency 120.9
Transponder (Squack)  4271

Pilot:  Readback  Cerius Charlie Alfa Delta, Clear to Stockton Airport  via vee departure procedure,  altam V244, vitanta direct, climb maintain 400,  exper 5000 after one zero mins after departure . Departure frequency 120.9  (Squack)  4271

Ground:  JC C Delta your Readback is Correct, Taxi  Runway 25R  Juliet   Verify information Xray
Pilot:  Charlie Alfa Delta  Taxi  Runway 25R  Juliet   Verify information Xray

com1  Ground/Tower
com2  Tower/departure

Airport in sight requesting VFR
Established inbound
Approach speed
Contact stockton tower

Climb Checklist

5 T's
Turn  - when you get to the fix you turn to the desire heading
Time' - Note the time
Twist - Turn the OBS to where you want it
Throttle -  if you are on a hold you slow down speed change/ go down if  you have an altitude change
Talk - Communicate with ATC

5 A's
Approach -brief
Avionics -  set for approach
Aeroplane  - GUMPS checks

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