Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Flight Instrument 6 Pack Check List

Passenger Briefing - Comfortable and Safe Flight 

1. Keep Seatbelts on at all times during taxi, takeoff and landing
2. Unbuckle seatbelt by depressing Red Latch
3. Open Door - Rotate lever counterclockwise and push door open
4. Exit aircraft by 2 cockpit doors and rear baggage compartment door
5. Fire Extinguisher - Fully Charged Green, extinguish cabin fire, or break windshield if door jammed
6. Positive Exchange of Control with acknowledgment - I'm pilot in charge, you're the pilot in charge 
7. Sterile Cockpit rule - No non-essential duties or activities, non related conversation pertaining to flight during taxi takeoff and landing.
8. Help - Looking for traffic on the right, Listen for the plane Number
9. Keep your hands and feet off flight control 
10. No smoking in cockpit. 

Flight Instrument 6 Pack Check List

These checks of the flight instruments are being done during taxiing from ramp to Engine runup area.

1a.  Magnetic Compass 

  • No crack, leaks or bubbles 

1. ASI - Airspeed Indication 
  • Needle Indicate Zero
  • Needle approx. 12'oClock
2. AI - Attitude Indicator
  • Miniature Aircraft covers horizontal bar
  • Attitude DIP when brake applied
  • Taking Turns no more than 5 degrees
3.  ALT - Altimeter
  • Set to current barometric pressure 
  • Within 75' of field elevation  eg 133' Hanscom
4. Turn Coordinator
  • No Inoperative Red Flag
  • Miniature aircraft wing level  
  • Ball Centered
  • Turn - Miniature aircraft wings turn in direction of turn
  • Ball moves freely outside the turn in opposite direction
5. Heading Indicator
  • Agrees with Magnetic Compass
  • Both Agree with direction of taxi
6. VSI - Vertical Speed Indicator
  • Needle Indicate Zero 
  • No Climb No descend 

G1000 Glass Cockpit  (Top to bottom, left to right )


Engine Run Up

1. Autopilot  - Set Altitude
2. GPS - Program Flight Plan and Make Active
3. VOR Test - Hanscom
4. NAV/GPS button on NAV
    a. Set both NAV Radios to 110.0 Mhz
    b. Turn down volume, Make Active
    c.  Press NAV button 
    d.  Turn up volume Listen to Morse Code
    e.  Turn VOR Reviver OBS Knob so that needle indicate Form and it is aligned with 180 degree or south (Remember 182 - 180 TO)

Take Off Briefing
1. Rotate at 55knots, Climb out Vx 62 knots, Vy74Knots
2. Engine Failure
a. Takeoff Roll - Abort, Close Throttle, Maintain directional Control, brake as needed. Exit active runway and evacuate aircraft.
b. Rotate - Land straight ahead if runway is available.  

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