Monday, April 26, 2021

Cost of Ownership of Airplane

 Annual Inspection  (Sample)

Year    Parts     Labor  Total    Rate 
2016    3,280   2,688    5,969   $65/hr  (upgrade, farings, LED etc)
2017      589    2,188    2,777   $65/hr  (nothing big)
2018    3,769 10,258  14,027   $95/hr  (Leaks, alternator, carb, Seat rail AD, fuel system)
2019    4,024   6,881  10,905  $110/hr (500hr mags, Pitot/Static, Battery, Alternator, Cab, muffler)
2020       153   4,558    4,711  $110/hr (nothing big)
Avg      2,363  5,315    7,678 

Cost Saving Method
Owner assistance maintained
Cheaper shop rate

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