Sunday, April 4, 2021

Check Ride Binder (Be prepare)


Check Ride Binder  (Be prepare)

Cover:  Applicant,  FTN Number
2  8710 Application
3  Copy of Written Exam
4. ID Passport /Medical
5.  Airworthiness/Registration
6.  Scarano From Examiner DPE  - Fly Point A to Point B
7  Weather Winds aloft
9. Flight Plan
10 Weight & Balance
11. MAP of Route (SkyVector) Sectional Chart
12. Chart supplement Diagram of Airport (page)
13. Airport Diagram  Chart Supplement (Page #)
14. Notes



T  Tachometer (for each engine)
O  Oil pressure gauge (for each engine using pressure system)
M  Magnetic direction indicator
A  Airspeed indicator and altimeter
T  Temperature gauge (for each liquid-cooled engine)
O  Oil temperature gauge (for each air-cooled engine)

F  Fuel gauge indicating the quantity of fuel in each tank; flotation gear; and pyrotechnic signaling device
L  Landing gear position indicator (if aircraft has retractable landing gear)
A  Anticollision lights (small civil airplanes certificated after March 11, 1996)
M  Manifold pressure gauge (for each engine with an adjustable-pitch propeller)
E  Emergency locator transmitter
S  Safety belt and shoulder harness (harness required in small civil airplanes manufactured after July 18, 1978)

A Airworthiness Certificate
R Registration 
R Radio
O Operating 
W Weight & Balance

A   Annual Inspection , 91.409(a)
V   VOR Check, IFR 30 Days 91.171
1    100 Hours Inspection, 91.409b, if for hire
A   Altimeter /Pitot System check 24 months 91.413
T    Transponder Check, 24 months, 91.413
E    ELT Check 12 months 91.207
A   compliance with AD

Good Judgement

"Clear" out window and look out the window
Check List 
Landing GUMPS 
Wake Turbulence avoidance
Go Around 
Airmanship - Clearing Turns, ID NavAid when turn in, Accurate Position Reporting (Red Flags on Sectional) 

  • Straight and Level Flight
  • Left Turn/Right Turn/Descend/Climb

  • Normal Takeoff/Landing  With/Without Flaps
  • Short field takeoff/Landing
  • Soft field takeoff/Landing
  • Slow Flight
  • Power Off Stall
  • Power On Stall
  • Steep Turn
  • S Turn
  • Turn about a Point
  • Unusual Altitude
  • Emergency - Engine Out  
  • Diversion to Alternate
  • Fly Under Hood - 

  • Have Reference Material 
  • Know FAR-AIM (Part 61 what you need to do to be a pilot and Part 91 -rules of the road)
  • ASA is NOT a FAA Material
  • Be the Pilot In Command - Take command of the Airplane
    • ATC 

Answer Question - Keep it Simple
1. What is the minimum visibility and distance from clouds to maintain VFR in Class Delta airspace?
Class D  
-  3 Statue miles Visibility
-  Cloud 500' below, 1000 above and 2000 horizontal   

2. I don't remember, but let me look it up for you 
3. Emergency - Engine Out  - Glide speed, find a place to land,  
     If too high Forward Slip, Flaps (drag, high lift)
     Do a 360
4. Show DPE (Designated Pilot Examiner) 100 hrs inspections were done in the aircraft log book

Aircraft Navigation System    AIM 1-2-1

PBN - Performance Based Navigation
Required Navigation Performance 
LPV - 
 ENR    TERM   APP    Runway

Zone of Confusion  (Directly over it)
Zone of Ambiguity  (90 deg on the radial TO / FROM  eg EAST  radial**)
Line of sight 

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