Friday, April 30, 2021

ATC-Radio Communication - Class Charlie VFR

Entering Class Charlie Airspace

Must have 2 Way Radio Contact with ATC (do not enter the ring of their airspace until they say your tail number)

FLOW: ATIS  => Approach => Tower 

ATIC Altimeter 30.25,  Information Zulu

Pilot: Manchester Approach, Cessna 374A
ATC: Cessna 374A  Manchester Approach, Altimeter 30.25 Say Position & Request

Pilot: Manchester Approach, we're Skyhawk leveling out at 2,000, 11 to the North, inbound for landing, with info Zulu

ATC: Cessna 374A, Radar Contact, SQUACK 4275
Pilot: 4275 374A

ATC: Cessna 374A, Right base Runway 25
Pilot: Right Base Runway 25  374A

ATC: Cessna 374A Contact Tower 118.5
Pilot: 118.5  374A

Pilot: Manchester Tower, Cessna 374A with you at 2,000
Pilot: clear for the option, Cessna 374A
ATC: Cessna 374A  Manchester Tower,  110@6 Runway 25, clear for the option

Descend to  Pattern Altitude,
Gump Check 
1st Flap
White Arc
2nd Flaps

Example 2
Pilot: Manchester Approach, Cessna 347Y
ATC:   Cessna 347Y, Manchester Approach 
Pilot: Manchester Approach, Cessna 347Y  7 miles south east of you, at 3,000, like to do a touch and go
NOTE:  When you're reporting postition you must make sure you refer to the "airport distance" 

ATC: Cessna 347Y Radio Contact, Altimeter 30.17, you've info delta

ATC: Advice when you have the airport in sight
Pilot: Will advise when airport in sight 47Y

ATC: 47Y Turn right base to Runway 6 
Pilot: Right base Runway 6 47Y

ATC: 47Y change of plan Tower needs you in Runway 31

Uncontrolled  Airport
Back Taxi 
Desparting runway -

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