Friday, December 9, 2016


Weather fundamentals
- Temperature /Dewpoint
- Pressure Systems
- Fronts
- Winds

Pilot Reports
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Weather Theory

Toposphhere  surface to 20,000'
2 deg drops per 1000' gain

uneven heating of earth surface

North Pole  Cold

up  down   up   air movement surface flow  Less dense and rise

---Equator----  Warm

down up  down  air movement

====South Pole === cold

Equotor recieved grater amount of heat from the sun than polar regions

equator hotter less dense than cooler ... and rise towards the poles

it cools becomes denser and sinks back to the surface.

Actual barometric pressure differs based on
- temperature
- air density

Also affects aircraft performance
rate of climb

Air flows from high pressure to low pressure

High pressure air (good Pressure)
air deflects to the right - rotate clockwise
decending air

Air flow into to replace rising air

Low pressure ( bad weather)
rotates counter clockwise
- moist

Beneficial tail winds

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