Sunday, December 11, 2016

Touch and Goes

Touch and Go - Pattern work

Lose Airspeed and Altitude

  1. Turing Left Crosswind for Runway 29 
    1. Climbing turning at 800 AGL
    2. Trim
  2. Turing Left Downwind -   Level off 1200AGL  TPA Traffic Pattern Altitude Trim   GUMP Check  Abeam #29  
    1. 10 deg Flaps
    2. Reduce Speed 1600 RPM 
    3. Pitch for 90Knots
    4. Decent at 500' FPM 
  3. Turing Left/Right Base  (45 degree of Runway #)
    1. 20 Deg Flaps
    2. Pitch for 80Knots
    3. Continue 500 
  4. Turing Final  (Abean edge of Runway width turm)
    1. 15 deg Flaps
    2. Pitch for 70Knots
    3. Look at VASI   (Too High Too Low) Glideslope
    4. Power to idle over runway #

Hanscom Tower, Cessna 345GY Turing Left Crosswind for Runway 29

Gas - Both
Mixture Rich
Power 1500rmp

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