Sunday, December 4, 2016

Aviation Calculations

Aviation Calculations

Preflight planning is a very important element of any flight and especially so when going on a cross country flight. There are a number of items to be done in preparation for a VFR cross country in such a way that nothing is overlooked and the intended flight is done as safely as possible.
The pilot will perform a number of calculations during preflight planning and the one we used on the site are listed below for convenient access. Sometimes the use of a special aviation calculator (E6B models or electronic Jeppesen) is required other times it can be done without the use of such devices.

Formulas In Aviation

As a reference, we compiled a list of formulas we used throughout the site:

Flight planning

   Compass heading: TC +/-WCA = TH +/-VAR = MH +/-DEV = CH
   Estimated Time Enroute (ETE): Time = Distance/Speed
   Weight shift problems: distance weight shifted × weight shifted = total weight × Change of C of G
   Track Error (1 in 60 rule): TE = (60 / distance flown ) * distance from track
   Closing Angle (1 in 60 rule): CA = (60 / distance to go) * distance from track


   Load factor: G = 1 / cos(bank angle) or G = L / W
   Higher stall speed in a turn: Vsacc = Vs × √ load factor
   Increased stall speed at higher weight: Vs new = Vs old weight × √(new weight / old weight)
   Lift formula: L = ½ ρ V2 × S × CL or simplified Lift = IAS × CL
   Dynamic pressure (IAS): ½ ρ V2
   True Airspeed (TAS): TAS = IAS × √ (ρ0 / ρ)
   Propeller efficiency: Thrust × TAS / Brake Horse Power
   Propeller tip speed (π is PI, 3.1415...): VTIP = π d N

Aircraft performance

   Pressure Lapse Rate: PLR = 96 × ( T in kelvin) / local pressure (in hPa)
   Pressure Altitude: Pressure Altitude = Altitude + (1013 - QNH) × 27
   Density Altitude: Density Altitude = Pressure Altitude + (OAT - ISATpa) × 120
   Specific Air Range (SAR): SAR = (TAS / power) × (1 / SFC)
   Specific Ground Range (SGR): GS / fuel flow or GS / power
   Best Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC): SFC = TAS / power


   Kinetic energy: E = ½ m v2
   Speed of sound: 331,3 √ (1 + T / 273,15)
   Ideal gas law: p × V = n × R × T
   Force: F = m × a
   Work: W = Force × Distance
   Power or the rate of doing work: Power = Work / Time


   Engine power (π is PI, 3.1415...): BHP = ((2 π × RPM) / 60) × Torque
   Engine efficiency: Brake Thermal Efficiency = Brake Power / Fuel Consumption
   Engine SFC: Brake Specific Fuel Consumption = Fuel Flow / Brake Power


   Light power, luminous flux: 1 lm =
   Ohms law: U = I × R
   Electrical power: P = U × I
   VHF Communications range: Range = 1,33 (√H-aircraft + √H-gs)

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