Friday, December 2, 2016

IFR Practical Exam

During the practical exam, the examiner shall question you about theoretical knowledge:

  • Decode METAR / TAF including knowledge of RVR
  • KKnowledge of controller altimetry including TRL/TA, QNH, QFE, QDM, QDR,
  • Ability to explain the charts for APC

 Knowledge of airspace set up including CTR, CTA, TMA and FIR around the airport including
airspace classifications, also related from the point of view of separation, information,
responsibilities of pilot versus controller
 Explain I,V, Y and Z flight plan including procedures for giving the appropriate clearance
 Knowledge of VFR rules including Special VFR, Night VFR and controlled VFR. (as applicable in the
division), cruise altitudes and flight levels, semi-circular rules, VMC minima
 Knowledge of IFR rules including initial IFR clearance, cruise altitudes and flight levels, semi-circular
rules, IFR separation in TMA
 Wake turbulence separations
 Important aerodrome phenomena (wind shear) and how to inform the pilot about it
 Knowledge of the approach procedures (ILS, VOR, NDB, RNAV approaches, Holding and
performance at low speed)
 Knowledge of MRVA, MSA and surveillance radar approach and relevance between different ILS
categories, missed approach handling

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