Sunday, December 11, 2016

VFR Flight Maneuvers

VFR Flight Maneuvers
  1. Slow Flight 
  2. Power On Stall    - Departure stall
  3. Power Off stall
  4. Steep Turn
  5. Turn around about a Point 
  6. S Turm
  7. Spin Recovery
  8. Unusually Altitude
  9. Short Field Takeoff
  10. Short Field Landing
  11. Soft Field Takeoff
  12. Soft Field Landing
  13. Normal Takeoff
  14. Normal Landing 
  15. No Flap Landing 
  16. Taxi - with Head/Tail Winds
  17. Emergency - Engine Failure 
  18. Cross Country

Taxi with Head/Tail Winds

Slow Flight 
1.Perform two 90º clearing turns
2. *1500 RPM (maintain altitude)
3. Landing configuration flow
4. Maintain altitude - slow to just above a stall
5. Power as required to maintain airspeed
6. Accomplish level flight, climbs, turns, and descents as required (ATP - max 30° bank)
7. Recover – full power/maintain altitude/reduce flaps
8. Above VX, reduce flaps to 0°
9. Cruise checklist

Power Off Stall
Clearing Turn
1. Perform two 90° clearing turns
2. *1500 RPM (maintain altitude)
3. Landing configuration flow
4. Stabilized descent at 65 KIAS
5. Throttle idle(Slowly)
6. Wings level or up to 20° bank as assigned
7. Pitch to maintain altitude (Slowly)
8. At stall/buffet (as required) recover – reduce AOA - full power
9. Reduce flaps to 10°
10. Accelerate to 60 KIAS (VX), positive rate, reduce flaps to 0°
11. Cruise checklist

VSI to show positive

Power On Stall
1. Perform two 90° clearing turns
2. *1500 RPM (maintain altitude)
3. Clean configuration
4. At 60 KIAS, simultaneously increase pitch (Slowly) and apply full power
5. Slowly increase pitch to induce stall/buffet (approx 15°)
6. At stall/buffet (as required) recover – reduce AOA - full power
7. Cruise checklist

Steep Turm
1.Perform two 90º clearing turns
2. 90 KIAS (*2000 RPM) maintain altitude
3. Cruise configuration flow
4. Roll into 45˚ bank (private, at least 50˚ for commercial)
5. Maintain altitude and airspeed (+ back pressure, + approx. 1-200 RPM)
6. Roll out ½ bank angle prior to entry heading
7. Clear traffic and roll in opposite direction
8. Roll out ½ bank angle prior to entry heading
9. Cruise checklist 

Soft Field Takeoff
1. Flaps 10°
2. Roll onto runway with full aft yoke – minimum braking – do not stop
3. Smoothly apply full power
4. As nose lifts off, ease back pressure (nose wheel must remain off the ground)
5. Lift off at lowest possible airspeed – remain in ground effect
6. In ground effect – accelerate to 60 KIAS (VX) – begin climb
7. Accelerate to 79 KIAS (VY)
8. At safe altitude, retract flaps
9. After takeoff checklist

1. Complete the “Approach Checklist” before entering the airport area; devote full attention to aircraft control and traffic avoidance.
2. Slow to 85 KIAS prior to entering downwind or traffic pattern.
3. Enter the traffic pattern at published TPA (typically 1000' AGL).
4. Complete the “Before Landing Checklist” when established on downwind.
5. When abeam touchdown point, on extended base, or on extended final (when ready to descend out of pattern altitude): Reduce power to approx. 1500 RPM and select flaps 10˚.
6. Descend out of TPA at 75 KIAS.
7. Select flaps 20˚ and slow to 70 KIAS on base leg.
8. Select flaps 30˚ and slow to 65 KIAS on final when landing is assured.
9. Fly the airplane onto the ground, slowly transferring the weight from the wings to the main landing gear.
10. Touch down on intended touchdown point at minimum speed with a nose-high pitch attitude.
11. Keep the nosewheel off the ground as airplane slows by increasing elevator pressure.
12. Prevent nosewheel from rapidly falling by maintaining aft elevator pressure.

Spin Recovery Training
Aggravate stall - one wing stall more that anther.
To setup the spin -  Do a Power On Turning Stall with  (full rudder and full back pressure on yoke)

1. Aircraft in UTILITY Category
3. Weight and Balance
2. No loose item

Spin Recovery - Think "P A R E"
Power -  Back
Alerian - Neutral
Rudder - Opposite The spin
Elevator - Down

Power on Turning Stall
CFI - must be current and spin certify

CFI - remember to divide attention!!

Straight-and-Level Flight
1.     Establish attitude with AI,
2.     Trim
3.     Confirm straight flight with HI & TC
4.     Confirm level flight with ALT, VSI

Constant Airspeed Climbs
1.     Pitch up to climb attitude with AI (practice without hood to determine cruise to climb attitude?)
2.     Add climb power
3.     Trim
4.     Confirm straight flight with HI & TC
5.     Confirm climb airspeed with ASI, observe VSI

Constant Airspeed Descents
1.     Reduce to descent power
2.     Pitch down to descent attitude with AI,
3.     Trim
4.     Confirm straight flight with HI & TC
5.     Confirm descent airspeed with ASI, observe VSI

Turns to Headings
1.     Establish bank attitude with AI (approximate bank angle = KTAS/10 + 7)
2.     Check TC for std rate, change bank accordingly
3.     Trim, keep well coordinated
4.     Add power to maintain airspeed (only if needed - under-powered aircraft)
5.     Begin roll out of turn at approximately half the bank angle

Recovery from Unusual Flight Attitudes
1.     Determine attitude (see examples). If the attitude is:
2.     Nose High
3.     Apply forward pressure (to break or prevent stall)
4.     Full Power
5.     Level wings with coordinated use of aileron & rudder
6.     Nose Low
7.     Reduce Power to idle
8.     Level wings with coordinated use of aileron & rudder
9.     Apply back pressure to raise nose to level attitude
10.  In both cases, recovery to straight & level flight

·        Conduct a critique and review procedures and techniques.

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