Monday, March 4, 2024

What Altitude to Fly


Factors to Determine what altitude to Fly

  1. Fly East and West - Even or Odd thousand + 500'
  2. Stay out of the clouds and clear of obsticles
  3. Current Sky Condition?
  4. Temperature
  5. Temperature and Winds alof

What is the lowest we can fly?
MEF Minimum Elevation Figure - The Blue Number you see in the Sectional Chart in Each Quadrangle in between the lines of Longititude and the Lines of Latitude. If chart are current, you should be above 100' of obsticle clearance.  - Recommend stay above 1,000' above MEF for congested area and 500' above MEF in non-congested area. 

Winds Alof Table
Aviation Surface Forcast
Aviaton cloud Forecast

What is the highest  we can fly?
Surfice cealing of the Aircraft - where the aircraft can no longer climb 100' per minuite, see the "Climb Performance Chart of the POH

How can you stay 

  1. Current Sectional Chart
  2. VFR Naviagtion Log
  3. Plotter/Procractor
  4. Current Winds Alof Chart
  5. POH - Cruse Performance Section 5  (use to find True Airspeed - Cruse Performance)
    1. Pick Cruse Altitude and RPM setting you want to fly
    2. you need to know the Pressure Altitude you need to fly by  subtracting Standard 29.92 - current altimeter setting (you get from METAR at destination Airport)
    3. Current METAR for Altimeter Setting at altitude you  (mediogram website -altimeter predictions)
  6. E6B - To find Fuel Burn, calibrated airspeed (Temperature and pressure altitude info) , indicate Airspeed  (POH - Airspeed Calibration Chart)
  7. (POH - Climb Performance  Chart - Time Fuel Distance - notes for fuel burn start, taxi toc)

True Course (actual Ground Track in Relation to True North
Winds Alof Data is relations to True North
Lapse Rate every 1,000' up, you lose 2deg C

Magnetic Heading  

Way point  every 10-20 miles

Lapse rate


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