Tuesday, March 5, 2024

E6B Flight Computer


E6B has 2 sides: Wind side; Computer side

Computer side has 3 outer ring Scales:
  1. A Scale Distance
  2. B Scale is Time (mins)
  3. C Scale is Time (Hours)
  4. Air Temperature/Pressure Altitude/Density Altitude

How Fast are you going?
Need 2 piece of information
1. Distance?
2. Time it took to get there?

E6B has  2 sides: Calculator side and Wind side

Question 1
1. How Long will this Flight Take if  TAS=90Knots; Winds 230@10
and from Sectional Chart you're flying:
True Course 178deg  and  True Airspeed 90Knots

Wind Side
Wind Direction under 
  • Set Wind Direction 210 deg Under True Index
  • Mark up 10 Knots from 100 center (set the wind volocity Mark) 
  • Set/Move true course 178 under true index
  • Slide the wind volocity Mark 10Knots to the True Airspeed 90Knots
  • Ground Speed reads under Center which is 83Knots

How long will this Flight Take?

Calculate side
Distance 96 Nautical Miles
Set Knots 83 under Arow
A Scale Distance
B Scale is Time  

Look at 96 on upper scaler 
Read 69 mins on Scaler B

Answer = 69 knots

Question 2

Find Time, Speed, Distance, WCA, Fuel Burn
TAS = 110 Knots, Winds-330@14; Burning 15GPH
Gainsville to Ocala Distance = 182 Heading (True Course) and distance is 31 nautical miles

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