Monday, March 11, 2024

Navigation - Pilotage and Dead Recononing

  • Pilotage  - Visual Reference to Promenent Landmarks
  • Dead Reckoning - Computation based time, distance, air speed and direction

5 Parts

Checkpoints -  Plot 2 or 3 closer checkpoints from the departure airport so you can demonistrate Pilotage and Dead Reckoning to the DPE 

1. Identify a Straight Line Route Between Departure airport and Destination airport 
Get Ground Track and True Course  (Plot True Course)

2. Finger Flight the route - Identify Promenent Landmarks, 10-20miles

3. Adjust routes for any hazards (no special used airspace, flight Restrictions, or hazards to make one change the route.

4. Identify possible stops for emergencies, fuel, streaching, bathroom breaks etc

5. Breaking routes into segments and defining checkpoints 
- Always try to keep checkpoint 10-20 nautical miles apart (keep workload managable and not far apart to get lost ) 
- pick checkpoints to the left or right of aircraft because it will be easier to see from the air. if you fly right ontop of it you may not see it.  

- Must be visible from the air (roads, towns, Rivers, Railroads, 

- Use multiple features

Which Direction are you going to point the Airplane?
Bearing to Destination  +/- Wind Correction  Then correct for Magnetic Variation
True Course 219 Deg   (Winds & Temp Alof Info Calculate Wind Correction Angle) + 5 Deg = True Heading 

How High and how Fast will I be going 
Hight = 4,500'MSL
Speed = True Airspeed  (Cruse Performance chart at 75% power at 4000' pressure altitude) Expect 123Knots True Airspeed  + (Wind Veolicity and direction at 4,500' to determine Ground Speed)

How Long will it Take to Get There 
We know the Ground Speed and Distance from other Calculations, we can get Distance (Nautical Miles) /Speed (Knots) = Time  (do it for each leg and add it together) 

How much Fuel Will I Need?
Time (Minuits/60= Time in Hour x11.0 Gal/Hr (info from 75%Cruise Power Chart)  Distance and Fuel Table we'll get an estimate for each leg and add everything up  (note Fuel for Start/Runup and Taxi)

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