Saturday, December 23, 2023

Commercial Maneuvers

The PTS for the Commercial Pilot-Airplane certificate include a number of maneuvers unique to this pilot certificate: 


ATC/Ground Communication
Taxi (Wind Correction)
Run up - Checks
Take off Roll 
Take off 
4 Fundamentals Straight and level, turns, climbs and descents

Normal Take off 
Normal Landing
Slow Flight
Power on Stall
Power off Stall
Steep Turns
Short field takeoff   (obstacles)
Short field takeoff landing

Soft field takeoff
Soft field takeoff landing 
Regtangular Turn
Turn about a point
Hood Work - VOR Tracking 
Diversion to alternate airport
Cross Country]
Unusual Attitude
Emergencies - Engine Failures
Emergency Decends
Simulated Engine Failure
Unusual Attitude
Forward slip to Landing
Touch and Go 

** It's OK to discontinue flight if weather is bad ..  Winds heavy gusts.. etc

V Speed    (Velocity speed)

Vr  - Rotate 
Vx  - best Angle of Climb
Vy  - best Rate of Climb
V glide - Best Glide speed 
Vso  - Stall dirty
Vs -Stall Clean
Vfe - Flaps extended 
Vno - max structrual crusing
Vne  - never exceed
Va - maneuver speed

White Arc  40 -85 knots  Vso to Vfe    (Flaps operating Range)
Green Arc   48 - 129 knots Vs1 to Vno
Yellow Arc  129  - 163 KIAS Vno to Vne
Red Line  Vne - 163 KIAS  Max speed

Best Glide - 65 Knots

Fuel Calculation
Wind Speed 

6 Pack

Commercial maneuvers
Lazy Eights
Eights on Pylons
Steep Spirals
Power-off 180-degree Accuracy Approach and Landings. 

Instrument Rating
Rectangular Courses.
Turns Around a Point.


RNP Approach
RNAV (GPS) Approach  
DME Localizer Approach
ILS Approach
VOR Approach

GPS Acronyms at a Glance

GPS must be WAAS enable to fly LPV  (more precision)

Minimums and Visibility

APV's (Approach with Verticals)     |    

  • LPV = Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance  (DA = Decision Altitude lowest amount all)
  • LNAV/VNAV  = Lateral and Vertical Navigation (DA Decision Altitude

  • LNAV  MDA  = Lateral Navigation, Only Lateral Guidance, not Vertical Guidance, Mimimum Decent Altitude (MDA) higher minimims
  • Circuling

Filing an IFR flight plan
Obtaining a clearance at a towered airport
Obtaining a clearance at a non-towered airport
Obtaining a clearance airborne after departure
Departing VFR on an IFR clearance
Picking up a filed clearance en-route
Obtaining a “Pop-up” IFR clearance

Departing an airport without IFR procedures
Flying a diverse departure
Flying a textual ODP
Flying a graphical ODP
Getting vectors after takeoff
Using a Visual Climb Over the Airport (VCOA)
Flying a SID
Departing IFR for a climb to VFR-on-Top

En Route
Navigating enroute
Picking a safe cruise altitude
Surviving an unexpected hold
Employing a VFR-on-Top clearance
Requesting a block altitude

Planning and execute a descent
Executing a descent with VNAV
Flying a STAR
Choosing an approach
Selecting the appropriate minimums
Setting up for the approach

Flying a visual approach
Flying a charted visual approach
Using a contact approach
Getting vectors to final
Flying a course reversal
Navigating an arc or RF leg
Using a Terminal Arrival Area (TAA)
Following a glidepath/glideslope
Descending with advisory vertical guidance
Descending without vertical guidance
Deciding to continue or miss
Using a Visual Descent Point
Landing straight in
Circling to land
Executing a published missed approach
Executing a missed approach from a circle
Executing an alternate missed approach
Executing a “missed” from below DA/MDA

Unusual Cases
Returning to the departure airport (or a nearby airport)
Flying a dead reckoning segment
Using a Cruise Clearance
Using a Through Clearance
Requesting an approach at one airport to land at another
Using a “Fly Visual” segment
Flying practice approaches under VFR
Flying an ASR/PAR approach

Post Flight
Canceling IFR in flight
Canceling IFR on the ground

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