Monday, December 11, 2023

6-Pack Instruments

6 Pack Instrumentation 

                    (ASI) Airspeed Indicator     (Ai) Attitude Indicator    (ALT) Altimeter

                    (TC) Turn Coordinator        (Hi) Heading Indicator    (VSI)  Vertical Speed Indicator 

Pitot/Static Instruments - 
(ASI) Airspeed Indicator 
(ALT) Altimeter
(VSI)  Vertical Speed Indicator 

GyroScopic Instrument (Vacuum) Rigidity in space  
(Ai) Attitude Indicator   (Artificial Horizon)
(Hi) Heading Indicator    (Directional Gyro - DG)

GyroScopic Instrument (Electrical)
(TC) Turn Coordinator    (Slip Indicator, "Needle and Ball," Turn and Bank,  

Engine Instruments: Chronometer/OAT/Voltmeter - LCD Display left of ASI, Fuel Flow and EGT - dual analog display left of turn co-ordinator, Fuel Quantity Indicators - Not Shown, left of previous, Suction Pressure and Ammeter - not shown, below Fuel Flow & EGT, Oil Temperature and Pressure - not shown, left of previous. Below: Mageto Selector - key switch left of Master Switch Master Switch - red double switch. Controls entire electrical system. Fuel Pump, Lights, and Pitot Heat - toggle switches between Master and Avionics. Avionics Switch - White Double Switch. Controls incidental electronics. Right of 6-pack: ILS/LPV/VOR1 Indicator - cross-shaped indicator right of altimeter. VOR2 Indicator - Backup VOR Indicator, or used to determine airway intersection under IFR. PA Control and OMI beacons - top panel of radio system. Controls the volume of passenger mics and outdated marker beacon technology. GPS - Self Explanatory, large screen. Primary/Secondary Radios - self explatory. Below the GPS. Transponder - below both radios, used to determine location of ATC Radar. Centre Pedestal: Interior Lights - the 2 twist knobs left of the Throttle. Used for night flying. Alternate Static Source - Red know between and below throttle and mixture. Used in case of static source blockage/failure. Fuel Shutoff Valve - Self Explanatory, just above fuel selector. Cabin Air/Heat - pull knobs below co-pilot yoke. Environment control.

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