Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Recovery from Unusual Flight Attitudes

H. Recovery from Unusual Flight Attitudes
To determine that the applicant
  1. Exhibits instructional knowledge of recovery from unusual flight attitudes by describing
a. Conditions or situations which contribute to the development of unusual flight attitudes
1) Turbulence
2) Disorientation
3) Instrument failure
4) Confusion
5) Preoccupation with cockpit duties
6) Carelessness in cross checking
7) Errors in instrument interpretation
8) Lack of proficiency in aircraft control
b. Procedure using full panel and partial panel for recovery from nose-high and nose-low unusual flight attitudes
1) Recognize unusual attitude
a) Nose high

1) Airspeed too slow, decreasing (ASI)
2) ALT increasing
3) TC shows turn
4) VSI positive rate, climb

b) Nose low

1) Airspeed too fast, increasing (ASI)
2) ALT decreasing
3) TC shows turn
4) VSI negative rate, descent
2) Recover using ASI, TC, ALT, VSI (and ignoring AI and HI, which may have failed), so full and partial panel recoveries are the same
a) Nose high recovery
1) Add power
2) Lower nose
3) Level wings
b) Nose low recovery
1) Reduce power
2) Level wings
3) Raise nose
c) Memory aid
1) Nose HIGH unusual attitude: ASI needle points at NOSE - lower nose before leveling wings OK
2) Nose LOW unusual attitude: ASI needle points at WING - level wings before raising nose
  1. Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related to recovery from unusual flight attitudes by describing
a. Incorrect interpretation of the flight instruments
1) Learn to recognize nose high and nose low unusual attitudes
2) Believe the flight instruments (not your body's false motion sensing system)
3) Assume AI, HI may have failed, cross check and recover using ASI, ALT, TC, VSI
b. Inappropriate application of controls
1) Cross check and interpret ASI, ALT, TC, VSI accurately
2) Follow correct recovery sequence
3) Smooth, positive, prompt, coordinated control
  1. Demonstrates and simultaneously explains recovery from unusual flight attitudes, solely by reference to instruments, from an instructional standpoint
  2. Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to recovery from unusual flight attitudes

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